but how would you even know

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"y/n?" "yes mione" "does harry know?" "know what?" "your sleeping with all of your guy friends" "i mean probably, but its not like anything happens" "i heard things were" i stopped in my tracks to look her dead in the eye. "and you believe them?" "im just asking y/n. im not saying its true or i believe im just stating and asking" "i figured you would know me better hermione" she stared at me for awhile. "i do y/n, i dont even know why i asked" "save it hermione" "y/n i" "since you dont know me that well let me prove it" i spoke walking up to ron and grabbing his collar before planting a kiss on his lips, and when i pulled back i made sure to flip her off and walk my angry ass away. what did kissing ron do? it made her mad, made her question why. hermione tends to ask things before assuming or so she says. what i didnt expect was for things to get swapped around. "im so sorry y/n" "jeez y/n im sorry that happened" "do you need someone to talk to?" i felt my arm be grabbed and pulled. "what the fuck" "what harry?" "you kissed ron and now everyone thinks ron made you kiss him. fix it" i took one look at harry. so i did what was right. i proved my innocence. it still fell back onto the trio but that is not my fault. most boys were mad they werent in rons place and mad at hermione for instigating.  sure the boys i hang out with werent happy either. infact they washed my mouth out and brushed my teeth more times then i can count, muttering something about the weasleys. 

i didnt think one thing would lead onto worse things upon finding out the truth. "what the hell y/n?" "why the FUCK are you yelling at ME?" "because you make the most stupidest choices" i was standing there staring at mattheo who was standing in my dorm room. "your just gonna stand there?" "fucking say something y/n" "you know what fuck this shit" i watched him open the door. "i cant believed i even loved you that i still do love you" i spoke before slamming the door behind him, leaving me in my solitude, only for theo to come and say the same only getting the same response. the only person to not ridicule me was enzo. "im really sorry" "its fine enz" "enz?" "enzo sorry" "no it was cute, i like it" i watched him smile. we were walking around the school grounds. "you know the boys feel bad" "well let them" "you cant be mad at them forever my dear" "so your taking their side?" "i never said i was" "but you are" he stayed quiet, im sure the boys are begging him to fix the things they tore apart. "you know i didnt mean for this to happen right?" "im sure you didnt y/n, but i feel like you havent told us the truth" "Hermione said there was a rumor about how i was having sex with everyone, and she basically believed it, so i wanted to prove that i control my own life" "by kissing her best friend?" "yes" he looked almost shocked. "you know most the rumors cleared out? mattheo and theo took most of it away. they feel bad, apparently you told them something that really hurt them and they want to be with you again, they never told me what you said" "its not that important" i watched him shrug. i forgot i had told them i loved them. they both seemed upset. but they brought it upon their selves just as much as i did. just sometimes i wish it was easier, i wish it didnt end like this. 

"y/n" "fuck off" i was actively avoiding all the boys, every single one. i cant think straight in this mess. the gossips of a bunch of boys and girls from a neighboring wizarding school roamed around. they are looking for someone, they are being rude, the girls are snobs. "your yin right?" "whos asking" was all i could answer. i was outside staring at these two girls. "its a yes or no question" one spoke up. "i havent been yin for years" they didnt seem satisfied with my answer. "then why are you still fuckin with Justyn?" "yeah knowing hes dating Justine" i looked at them confused. "sorry who?" i asked. "god your so dumb" i watched them roll their eyes. one sent a letter and one stared at me. you think my life would turn around a little. "what do his friends call him?" "yang?" that was the shocker. "yang?" i asked. "he calls you yin and keeps a picture of you in his wallet" one of the girls explained. "doesnt matter justine should be here soon" i havent seen yang since i last got clean, no nicotine, no weed, no drugs, no liquor. i was 12 he was 14. i thought he wouldnt even remember me. i pushed past them both and kept walking until a punch connected with my lip. i put my hand to my mouth only to pull back and see blood. "so much for him saying she can fight" "shes a wimp, you know its the whole make them seem hot to their friends type shit" i took one good look at the both of them. it only took 5 minutes to have them both on their asses bloody and bruised. "no he wasnt lying but ive changed, im older im better then what i used to be, i cant help the fact yang talks about me" i spoke to them. my lip was still bleeding along with a cut i got on my leg. how did i cut my leg no clue but its there now. it wasnt until a older looking girl showed up. blonde hair, blue eyes, no muscle, skinnier then skinny. "did you seriously get beat by a tramp" she spoke. "you must be justine" i spoke only earning a scoff. "your the girl my boyfriend is obsessed with" she looked me dead in the eyes and then i do what i do best....i decked her. in the face. only to see a giant circle of people around us. followed by justine screaming. and there he was plain in my face. "i said i fucking changed and i meant it" i spoke breaking through the crowd trying to escape the commotion only to see everyone standing there, meaning walk the other way, meaning run into yang. bank left and keep going. 

"just keep going" 



(tbc-to be continued)

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