...the horse is here...

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"you may be getting excited but i must say, this is still a normal day, refrain from all shenanigans." we were all listening to McGonagall classes had let out and everyone was giddy and hyper. but no one listens because we were all rushing to get dressed. pansy had joined me and once she saw the boots it was over. "gee y/n, you have the worst and best style" she laughed finding the spares i bought in case. "here" i put them on and realized i probably grew an extra 3 inches. "dracos gonna kill me if im late, and i had to ask 5 times before he even said yes" pansy was muttering. "y/n baby, if you didnt know how to do makeup well why didnt you say" "its just mascara really" "move, we have to do something" she pretty much did everything. eyeliner, eyeshadow. "what the fuck are you doing" "these are fakes, falsies, they make your eyes look better, trust me" "no one fucking wears these" "they do, just not many, plus they look more natural." she styled my hair, she put on lip gloss. and when i turned to the mirror i looked like a different person. "wow" i spoke. "you look hot, damn y/n if i wasnt crushing on draco id so go for you" "never say that again" "your right, i wont. but i would so date you" "shut the fuck up pans" we laughed. "just wait until the boys see you" "like they would care" "THEY WOULD, god your blind y/n they like you so much" "highly doubt" "use your eyes next time" i feel so anxious. "y/n your scratching stop, your gonna make yourself bleed" i looked at pans, i didnt realize. "come ononce you get out there you might lighten up" she spoke dragging me out my room to meet with the other girls. "so if you didnt know...everyone kinda has a date but you" "i am aware" "but we know a couple who would be more then happy to go with you" "who doesnt have a date out of the group" she looked at me a little upset. "everyone folded but mattheo, he swore to some secret of his" pansy spoke. and there we met with everyone. we didnt know that they were waiting on us. "you guys look so cute" pansy spoke while hitting my hand. everyone had paired and i was standing there alone. mattheo was having a hard time keeping up with the group but me? i was just walking slow. im not the best in heels. "aw fuck it" he spoke walking next to me. it feels hot. "you know you look really pretty y/n" "thank you" "is something wrong" "no im okay" he stayed quiet, i feel like im dying of heat, its usually freezing in this place, im in a dress ive gotten used to being constantly cold. i looked at mattheo who was eying every single man who looked my way. i eventually found harry and walked over to him. "what are you talking about" i asked. "about the Dursleys" he spoke. "im sure it wasnt that bad" "we have a second opinion" it was ron and Hermione talking about the living situation. "y/n would you like to add" "i would" i took a giant breath in. " they will kick you, and they beat you and they tell you its fair. they will not let you eat, you must do everything for them, oh and i lived in a closet under the stairs, i shared it with harry" i spoke. they looked so surprised. "y/n?" "yes harry" "are you alright" "im fine why" he grabbed my hand and lifted it to my face. "hey y/n would you like to dance" hermione spoke. "i dont see why not" she grabbed my other hand and pulled me away to the dance floor. she guided me in dancing. i wasnt good at it so it wasnt surprising i didnt know what to do. "you look beautiful" hermione spoke. "who did you go with" "no one, no one asked me" "im sorry" "no dont be" she smiled. "why are you so nice to me now" "i realized, just because we have our differences doesnt make you any more mean then the rest." "im not mean" "i am aware, you have your own setback as much as i do" she smiled. she did end up dancing with ron leaving me to wonder myself. its so hot, im so itchy. "y/n?" "oh hey luna" "are you okay you seem to be very.." "oh yeah, its just hot, its all the body heat if i had to guess" "alright, oh cedric was looking for you, but i would chill out for a minute they are about to announce the grouping"  "ah okay" she smiled and walked away only for mattheo to find me. "i was wondering where you went" "to try and cool off" he shrugged and everything stopped. 

"alright wonderful student of Hogwarts, we have read the names, counted the scores. for king...DRACO MALFOY" everyone was clapping and cheering. "for queen we have.....PANSY PARKINSON" we all waited until they walked up there to get a small crown and a stash around them. "for prince.....MATTHEO RIDDLE" i watched him smile and stay put. "waiting for your princess i see...YOUR PRINCESS IS.....MISS Y/N POTTER" he looked at me and lead me to the front. there was clapping and people yelling. a crown on my head and a stash placed around me. "BUT WE MUST INCLUDE THAT THERE WAS A TIE FOR PRINCESS." we all looked around. "YOUR PRINCESS TIE WAS THEODORE NOTT" he walked up there to and got a stash put on him. "now if you will join us for the double dance" for draco and pansy it was more romantic. for the 3 of us it was like spinning in a circle. which was enough to make me laugh. "i fucking hate all of you" theo spoke laughing. we sat there through the whole song just spinning in a circle laughing. and when it was done i went back to my corner. "hope you dont mind if i take this y/n" "sure pansy no problem" she took the black little jacket i had leaving me more anxious. i felt more itchy more hot. the night was almost up anyway. "y/n?" "y/n?" "Y/N?" "ill find harry" when i looked up i saw no one. was no one really calling me?. and before my eyes i saw harry running. "hurry come on" he spoke basically dragging me out the room to the main hall. this only made me feel more itchy. he dragged me to the mens bathroom. "harry i cant be in here" "you can now" he turned around while i just started itching my body all over. shortly soon hermione came in. "let me take this" she started to take the stash off. she placed it gently on the counter. and held my arms out. i didnt know i was bleeding. i watched harry wrap them in hand towels. "i thought you said you were okay" "i thought i was" "she does it without knowing hermione" she just seemed upset. "WHERE IS SHE" "who is that" hermione asked "mattheo" i answered. "DUDE" they looked at me once more. "theo" "HOW THE HELL AM  I SUPPOSED TO KNOW" "i know that one" hermione spoke. "Malfoy" harry spoke. "stay quiet" i nodded, i always tried to listen to harry, it didnt happen often, but i tried in states of panic, and when i realized what was happening i started crying. "we have to go somewhere else harry. shes not going to stop bleeding. we need something thicker" hermione spoke. " the wing?" "yes we have to go to the wing." "or a towel?" i asked. "we can use a spare i have" hermione spoke. hermione grabbed my stash and left me with harry.  "i cant run in heels" i spoke and then i was picked up and carried. we ran right past the three boys. " y/n i cant run with you anymore, just try" harry spoke letting me down and trying to pull me but i couldnt keep up. it only caused me to fall. "y/n" hermione yelled. she had an easier time. im crying and my feet hurt my arms feel like they are on fire. and it wasnt long before the boys showed up. "what the hell happened" "fuck off" hermione spoke. harry had grabbed me once again and lifted me and started running again. hermione short to following with mattheo close behind. theo and draco must have gone back with their date. and once we got there mattheo didnt back down. i was placed on the gryffindor common room floor. harry had basically done the best he could in wrapping my arms and wiping tears. "calm down y/n" "i cant harry" i spoke through shivers of sobs. i felt my body sway. "i feel so cold" i spoke. and it didnt take long for a jacket to be placed on me. "riddle" "shut up granger" i was pulled and hugged. my head placed on a shoulder. "i know you cant, but try to calm down, you scared the shit out of me" mattheo whispered. "and dont think theo isnt going to do the same" he whispered again. "im sorry" "theres no need to be sorry y/n" i sniffled and stood up only to fall back down. "fuck these stupid shoes"  i spoke only earning a laugh. and from that i was picked up and carried back to my dorm. 

"thank you mattheo" 

"your welcome y/n" 

"how can i repay you" 

"maybe like this" 

a kiss? 

a kiss.....


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