Football 📖☁️

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Same height here!!

Sunghoons team was Blue and White for the Chargers. Jakes team was Black and White for the Knights.

The annual event of the year was happening on Friday night; when the Chargers play the Knights. Both teams have new crazy freshman to attempt to win the game. Even people who don't go to the school or know someone who does, attend this game.

Last year the Chargers won, they were the only team that beat the Knights that year.

Now that the varsity teams both have one new freshman who could change the whole game it feels more exciting. This isn't their first game this year so that means they can look up online to see each others new freshman, but what both teams didn't expect is that they both deliberately hid their new freshman until now.

Number 5 for the Chargers, Park Sunghoon.

Number 90 for the Knights, Sim Jaeyun. 

While Sunghoon walked onto the field with his fellow teammates he saw the other team, the knights, on their way to stretch before the game. Sunghoon looked around, he saw the cheerleaders doing their cheers to rial up the crowd for the game. He knows one of the girls on that team. He also saw the stands filled with people, from both teams as well.

He smiled, this will be a good game, won't it?

"Hey crazy Park kid!" Yeonjun, a guy older than Sunghoon on the football team, wrapped his arm over his shoulder.

"For the last time Yeonjun-hyung, it's Sunghoon." Yeonjun and Sunghoon are closer than you would think, he calls him 'crazy park kid' to annoy him.

"Whatever, see number 90? I've heard around the field that he's crazy good at defense. Isn't it funny? He's like you but opposite!" Sunghoon rolled his eyes, sure he's decent enough to block but he isn't too good at defense; offense is just what he shines in.

Sunghoon squinted his eyes to see 90s physique. Is he a big guy or something? If you are fast in defense then you are usually okay at offense too, if he isn't good in offense he has to be some big guy. Sunghoon had to make sure he was really looking at number 90. Is that really him? He rubbed his eyes and looked again.

His arms defined from the well working of his muscles and his skin colour making it even more obvious. He wasn't too tall compared to others on his team but he wasn't as short compared to others on his team. His shoulders were so broad under the gear that the shoulder pads made him look like a bodybuilder. Sunghoon couldn't say his body wasn't attractive.

Sunghoon seemed to be opposite with him in physique as well. Sunghoon has less of broad shoulders but more defined. His arms are muscular but not to the point of being so defined. His legs aren't skinny nor thick either, a perfect middle that he found attractive. The school colours seem to make him look better too.

The Chargers coach yelled out for them to huddle up since they were done stretching so Sunghoon ran over to join the huddle.

"Park," coach pointed at him. "90 is said to rise to the occasion when its defense. You happen to be our best offensive player, so I want you to be careful out there. I don't know what that kid is capable of, we don't want you or anyone getting injured." Coach looks back to the rest of the team, "all of you, when Park has the ball keep a close eye on 90, I'm afraid he will be also informed that Park is our best player so he most likely will keep a eye on him."

Coach sighed. "Play well and listen to our quarterback."

Their quarterback is Park Jay while Park Sunghoon is the wide receiver. The knights have never been too good with their defense for passing plays so the Chargers try to take advantage of that as much as they can. But this new player of the Knights could be a CB, cornerback; the exact position that focuses on making sure the WR doesn't catch it.

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