Our Love Shines ☁️

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Listen I'm loving this soccer AU thing and I wrote this all in one day. Please just work with it, i might have another one shot coming out later.

This wouldn't be Sunghoons first time attending Jakes soccer games. Though this one was a little off to Sunghoon, he brushed it off as that he didn't know which team to root for. Korea or Australia? He decided on wearing a Korea hat but an Australia jersey, the jersey obviously being a copy of Jakes but instead of sim it's park on the back, though the same number.

Sunghoon had arrived at the box seat room and opened the door, being greeted by the chatter of Jakes family. Though Jakes mom had turned to see who was at the door and her eyes lit when she saw Sunghoon.

"Hi dear!" She quickly got up from where she was sitting and made her way to Sunghoon with open arms. "Any troubles getting here? Jake wouldn't stop worrying about you." She smiled at Sunghoon as she guided him to sit down.

"No troubles at all Mrs. Sim." He answered. He had a photoshoot right before the game, luckily it was a couple hours before but Jake was sad he couldn't see him before the game.

"It's mom dear," She corrected him with a smile on her face "and I'll tell Jake you are here just fine and safe." She said and then walked over to the little kitchen in the back corner.

Jakes sister jumped to the chance to talk to Sunghoon per usual.

"I'm so glad you could make it!" She smiled her bright smile and hugged Sunghoon.

"I am too Danielle, where should we sit?" He asked since they have always sat together when watching Jakes games, at least when they both are there.

"Over here!" She guided him over to one of the stools in front of the window where another girl that Sunghoon didn't recognize sat too.

"This is my friend Hanni!" She introduced the shy girl who was too shy to even shake Sunghoons hand.

"Hi Hanni! I'm Sunghoon, Jakes boyfriend." Sunghoon had smiled at her and she seemed to soften her stiff posture.

"Nice to meet you." She said and bowed to him as they all three sat down.

Sunghoon had looked outside the window, none of the players were out yet and they still had about 10 minutes till they would even be out there; let alone playing.

Sunghoon felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see Mrs. Sim again, "Jakes on the phone and wants to talk to you." She did have a phone to her ears but brought it away to extend to Sunghoon.

"Okay," Sunghoon smiled at her a took the phone and placed it to his ear.

"Hi Jake." Sunghoon does call him Jakey but it felt a weird to say in front of Danielle's friend.

"Hi Hoonie," his voice was very cheery. "Was the ride fine? It wasn't too long was it? You're okay right? I told you that you didn't have to come to the game, especially since I'm sure it's hard for you to choose who to root for." Jake was speaking so fast that Sunghoon couldn't get a word in until he was done.

"My ride was fine. My manager drove me anyway. No ride is too long if I get to see you play Jake. Sure it's hard to choose who to root for but you're my boyfriend, I'll come anyway." Sunghoon explained softly to his worried boyfriend.

"Oh well I'm glad he drove you. Thank you for coming. I love you. I have to go since team meeting is soon." Jake explained.

"Okay, I love you too and no problem. I'm going to hand you back over to your mom." Sunghoon explained and Jake agreed.

Sunghoon had turned and handed the phone back to her. When he turned back around he saw Hanni have a confused look on her face.

"You have a manager?" She didn't seem to know what Sunghoons career is.

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