14. Hard every day life

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The refuge, with all its facilities and activities, feels like a retreat center for the elderly or for spiritual retreats. There are several chapels. Each with different religions. Despite the recommendation given by some of the local residents and workers, they have not wanted to go to any of them.

After all, they spent six years agonizing there and did not feel at any time that they had any divine help. The most they can believe in is luck and beyond that, cursing creation.

It is what feels most right at times.

They have not taken pains to hide that they are a couple. It doesn't make sense and neither are they strong enough to do so. They are barely able to keep up with therapy sessions and psychological help. They are the only ones who deserve so much work. Even the few who do come in don't have the same level of problems.

What comes with being exposed like this is getting a few looks of displeasure.

"How absurd that having lived through a literal apocalypse where people devour each other or there are super men, they are unable to see a homosexual couple." comments Namjoon with a bored leave, chin in his palm and eyes on the large dining room.

"There can be anything missing, except asshole people" mentions Yoongi eating from his huge plate. He is underweight and is allowed to take a larger portion. "At least they don't come over to tease."

"You sang too soon." informs Jin quietly. He straightens up in his seat, a group of three people: two men and a woman, in front of them.

The way they judge them is unbearable for one reason only: they pretend they're not going to say something stupid, that they don't come with the expectation of complaining about their mere existence. Jin is prepared to be the one to respond. Taehyung and Hoseok dedicated in what they write and Jungkook very busy eating the fried chicken on his plate.

"Hello... Do you speak English?

"Yes, I speak English" Jin grumbles. Damn with the languages. One of them looks Asian, but he assumes he's from another part of the world. "What do you need?"

"I wanted to know if you can avoid being in these areas together. There are people eating, there are children... it's a bit rude-"

"What?" retorts Namjoon irritably, not letting him finish and being more aggressive than he should be with his expression alone. "Have a boyfriend? Fuck off. We haven't done anything to even bother you." He pushes away uninterested. He picks up the pair of plates to set them down on a metal tray.

"Everyone here knows they're pussies," the other one retorts, folding his arms. "It's enough to know they'll do something disgusting." Namjoon lets out a laugh, translating to Jin who raises an eyebrow and shakes his hand.

"What do you think, that we're going to throw anywhere? And here I thought such stupid people wouldn't exist anymore."

"It does exist" mocks Namjoon. "Unlike you, I don't like having my buttocks seen...although I have some to show" he mentions with a smirk and a smirk, embarrassing the man. "Now, lar-"

"Why was he looking at me?"

"Excuse me?"

"Why were you seeing me? Are you planning to do something to me or what?"

"You're not that important" Namjoon replies, realizing that he means he thinks she wants something with him. "Get out of here. we're talking about other things.

"We're not leaving. You guys should leave and stop messing up these spaces" he retorts irritably and the woman pats him on the shoulder. "This is a common area! You should be ashamed of yourselves!"

Sempiternal: • A.L.I.V.(d)E(ad)? • || BOOK 7#Where stories live. Discover now