29. Remembering how to live

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"How are you feeling?"

"Fine... strangely fine."

Namjoon laughs and pats him on the thigh. Jimin keeps looking out the window on the side of the large hotel room. Namjoon bends down to give him a kiss on the expanse of skin and Jimin rolls over, laying on his back with Namjoon on top of him. Both arms on either side of Jimin and at chest level.

"Why is it strange?"

"I didn't remember being alive and well feeling so good" he admits in a whisper, stroking Namjoon's cheek. "That worries were so banal... that I should only worry about my jacket not getting wrinkled and trying to apply makeup on my own..."

"Life, in itself, is easier depending on what you do. In our case... it's gotten easier" she assures, sucks on Jimin's finger which he slides across his lips. Jimin presses his legs together, as he pulls it out, Namjoon licks his lips. "Walls, noise, food to forage, to plant, animals to keep, buildings to approve and oversee, architecture, weather... none of it concerns us anymore and so, suddenly it's easy."

"Choonhe-nim told me that I must learn to enjoy life. That I must remember to do that" Jimin mentions rising up on his elbows and standing close to Namjoon. "I think that part of me and I still haven't found each other. We still didn't come together... I thought I was dead."

"I understand the feeling." says Namjoon with a chuckle.

"I want those parts of me back." rubs forehead with Namjoon. "And you said you were going to help me when you were ready."

Namjoon from a chuckle, pressing his lips together with Jimin. The shorter one suffers shivers. He hasn't tried anything with any of them. They've also been able to keep their distance from him. After all, it's complicated since they met again. You have to know what to do, what to say, when to stop?

Nothing that takes a lot of effort. Not when it comes to Jimin.

He spreads his legs and Namjoon slips between them, rubbing his body with the other's in a slow, peaceful and erotic rhythm. Jimin hugs him by the neck, not hiding or being embarrassed by how much his body trembles. That this causes him involuntary fear.

However, even if it is a rediscovery, he wants to remember that sex feels good. That it's not a punishment or something forced. He needs to have it again. Not just for his body's sense of belonging, but to reconnect every part of his being.

In all the haze, he'd forgotten how much he loves having sex.

Being held and holding someone else.

The pleasure that comes from touching skin that gets warm and moist.

Jimin gasps and half-opens his eyes, welcoming Namjoon's kisses and sucking on his neck, collarbone and shoulders. Not bites. He wouldn't do something like that. The bulge of another's crotch rubbing against his, making sure to tease him and that as a first time at this, it might feel good.

Jimin looks towards the door and taps Namjoon on the back, forcing him to look in the same direction.

"No fair." mumbles Jungkook childishly, half hiding behind the door. Namjoon laughs through his nose, resting his forehead on Jimin's collarbone.

"No? As far as I remember, you've been very happy with Taehyung."

"But Taehyung is Taehyung, you are you, Jin is Jin, Yoongi is Yoongi and Hobi is Hobi" Jungkook pouts. "I couldn't do anything with Jimin. I want too." he whines averting his gaze. Namjoon shakes his head.

He's an adult, he repeats to himself incessantly. One who behaves like a child who is denied his favorite toy that he would die if he couldn't have.

"Does it bother you?" he asks Jimin. The shorter one shakes his head.

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