33. Distinction

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How are you feeling?

"Sleepy... it's strange."

In what way?

"It feels like the whole day today was a dream." says Jungkook, not knowing how to explain what's inside him. Both in his mind and in his chest. Like a diatribe unable to be resolved.

Is there anything that makes you happy?

"Nothing went wrong, we were able to help each other... it makes me happy that none of us got hurt." he smiles wrinkling his nose, hands resting between his legs and shoulders shrugged.

~ * * * ~

How are you feeling?

"I don't feel anything special. It gave me a little scare" admits Taehyung shaking his hand from is side to side," but overall, there's nothing to worry about. I was able to sleep well last night; I was hugging Jin, but I do that whether I'm scared or not" He shrugs and leans back in the seat. "It was strange going back to what happened."

Are there any concerns that came up because of the situation?

"Not really... That Alpha was huge! Plus It came out of nowhere! I think it bounced my brain inside my head" he grumbles sulkily about it. "Still, everyone was right there with me. I knew nothing was going to happen to me. Maybe that's why even now I don't feel like I care."

But you freaked out at the time.

"OF COURSE!" shrieks Taehyung. "Having a six-foot guy and over ninety kilograms of pure mass come running out of nowhere to grab you by the neck is the worst" Choonhe shakes his head, it's a good point. "Still... I really do feel good" he says sincere and genuine. "There was nothing I could do at the time.... There was when I found Jin!"

What was it like?

"We got separated from the others, people were pushing us and at the end we were at a huge intersection. I found him fast and grabbed his arm really hard" relates Taehyung gesturing, holding up his own arm as an example. "Jin didn't say anything to me. I think he was thinking the same thing. I held his right arm and he didn't care."

True, he doesn't like being held there.

"He was quiet too... Actually, it was silly. It felt like an easy thing to do.... Am I really weird for thinking so?"

~ * * * ~

How are you feeling?

"A little tired still, but nothing worth mentioning" replies Hoseok. "The urge to burn things came back" he admits with some bitterness in his voice and smile", but nothing he couldn't control. It was Jungkook who threw the grenade, not me, I stayed away from it as much as I wanted to. It was an "Oh, I'm not being an arsonist again! Yay!" moment," he dramatizes before laughing openly.

Do you consider that you might have any problems because of the situation?

"Ummmm... No. Not at all. I think everything is fine. There was nothing new or anything I haven't already experienced" Hoseok explains thoughtfully. He doesn't want to be too parsimonious, after all, that just causes Choonhe to bring out some lucubrations and he can't do his job well. "Even if I try to say something that would make me uncomfortable, other than the obvious, there's nothing."

Just to rectify: it made you uncomfortable that it was repeated in a place that should be safe, not to mention that you're worried that there are Alphas in places like that, just waiting to come out of their lairs.

Sempiternal: • A.L.I.V.(d)E(ad)? • || BOOK 7#Where stories live. Discover now