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Jisung continued to calm Hyunjin down and waited for him to say what he was trying to.... 

It wasn't the first time Jisung had seen Hyunjin cry, Hyunjin was always a bit extra with his reactions.. but this felt a bit different, it was not him being the drama lama he is ... it made him also tear up for some reason.. making jisung think what made the other crumble down so much 

Jisung slowly pulled Hyujin and made him sit down .. " Do you need some water and anything else?" he asked continuing to crease his back ... 

A muffled "You" came out of Hyunjin's mouth .. which Jisung heard but was unsure what it meant ... " Huh??? what do you mean ??" 

Composing himself Hyunjin said .. " Jisungiee ... ca-- can you ... will --- will you ... do you mind ... if .. would you ----- ummmmm ..... " 

" Jinnie... communicate .... " 

" ummm.... " Hyun-jin without any wait pulled Jisung closer by his face and smashed his lips on Jisung's, licking and kissing his lips like there was no tomorrow .. 

Jisung was just too shocked to respond ... he couldn't process what was happening .. why was his then childhood friend and now sort of an enemy kissing him with mad emotions .. so he slightly tapped Hyunjin on his shoulder to stop .... 

" I-- Iam --- I am .. Soryyy .... Jisungeee ... " Hyujin said wiping the saliva off his mouth and leaning in to wipe the same off Jisung's lips ... " I have been wanting to do this forever now .. " Hyunjin said tracing his thumb over Jisungs soft pink lips ... " Hyunjin .. wh--what are -- you Do-- i mean .. talking about .... " Jisung said softly pushing away Hyunjin's hand from his face .. 

" I said .. what you heard Han Jisung ... I have always thought how those beautiful lips feel ... and now I know ... they feel like "HAVEN " .... Hyunjin said with a content smile plastered on his face .

" Huh... ???? stop ... like really ... STOP this fucking game .. what are you up to ... right now Hyunjin ... this isn't funny at all ..... " Jisung was getting frustrated with raising confusion in his head ....  "what the fuck is wrong with you ..  I just thought you had something really serious going on .. and here you are putting up a freakish lie show ... I am disgusted ... " Saying that jisung got up to leave .. but was stopped by Hyunjin .. " Mom and Dad are getting a divorce .... " 

Han quickly sat back down and pulled Hyunjin into a tight hug instantly forgetting their kiss episode ... Hwangs were the most loveable couple around .. and Jisung had practically grown up looking at them .. 

" What happened ... ??? " 

" So many things .. since you left me alone Jisungieee .... so many things .... i was left with no one .. you left me alone to suffer .... " Hyunjin sobbed uncontrollably on Jisung's shoulder and the latter not minding his shirt getting wet by his ex-best friend's tears   

" Do you want to skip school and go to the riverside??" Jisung suggested and Hyunjin nodded in agreement .. Both made their way out of the school gate.. sat in Jisung's car and drove to the riverside in silence... 

On reaching, Hyunjin sat on the beach and Jisung went to the cafe nearby and got them some brownies and shakes.... "I hope these are still your favorite???"  Jisung said placing the snack and drinks in between them on the bench and interrupting Hyunjin from staring into the river endlessly .... 

" I am surprised you still remember ... " Hynjin said with a weak smile ... 

Jisung did not probe or ask any questions, he knew Hyunjin would speak when he was ready .. so he waited for him.. 

" Mom is moving to America .. in 3 months ... " Hyunin said when a tear rolled down his eyes .. 

Jisung nodded not wanting to interview and question anything at this point 

" They had a huge fight and misunderstanding about two years ago .. which was a week after our fight ... mom was staying at her mom's for a long time.. but after a while, they decided to give themselves another chance ... but it was meant to fall .. to the outside world, they still look like the ideal couple.. but they started having fights daily over such small things ... sometimes it made me laugh ... but those fights were so loud and to be frank freighting ... to a point ...  I am scared to grow up ... why is it so hard to resolve it I kept wondering .... but then .. I used to see you the very next day in school ignoring my existence ... It killed me bit by bit daily ... but I never mustered up the courage to say sorry ... " 


" but that day at Lia's party when I got super drunk and had no idea what was doing and begging you to be my friend again shouting in front of your front door at 3 am in the morning and passed out right there ... that was all true feelings .. every word .. every emotion... and the fact that i did not die from cold as someone covered me with a warm comforter ..." 

" you never hated me ... you never did .. never as much as you told you did ... isn't it .... ? Hyunjin turned to look at Jisung's face who was still not sure how these things were related .... 

" I know what you thinking .... I am not making any sense ... what I mean to say is ... I made Seungmin cheat on you on purpose ... " Hyunjin said with an unreadable expression on his face 

" What .... ???"

" I know you liked him... and even thought of asking him out ... the amount of times you asked him for help with studies when you could do them all without any help .. I knew you were falling for him ...  and ... " 

" and ???? " 

" I didn't want that to happen ... " 

" huh ??? " 

" you still dont get it .. dont you ???? " Hyunjin said getting up, kneeling down before Jisung, and placing his hand on his knees ... 

" I wanted to be him... I wanted you to look at me like that .. get shy ... get flustered .. go blank ..but -- but never looked at me that way ... " 


" Now with my mom going away... and Dad deciding to stay in a different city ... I do not think I can put up with you and I are enemies act anymore .... I can't feed my fake ego and not say I am madly in love with you .... I need you in my life Jisungieee....." 

" Han Jisung ... will you be my boyfriend ??? " 


So what do you think ??? do you like how the story is progressing ???

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