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Only two days had passed after Minho left Jisung's house feeling very uneasy, lost, alone and fighting the loud noises in his head all by himself ...

Even with Chan's double the excitement and energy couldn't make Minho either smile or participate in any games or fun things Felix changbin Chan and another friend of changbin named shownu were doing.. all Minho did was look blankly at walls or his phone screen wishing it to light up with the name he was dying to hear the voice off ....

After the little teasing from Jisung about Minho being clingy .. Minho walked into the vacation home determined not to bother Jisung and his mother's yearly christmas celebrations ....

Chan had told the rest how good of a cook Minho was ..but the poor boy had no will to do a thing ...all he wanted was to run back to Jisung .. nuzzle into his neck and inhale his sweet scent ... Feel his warm embrace ... Listen to his ever sweet voice and see the most beautiful face in this whole wide world .... Minho was hopelessly in love with Jisung and his yearning for him was showing freely to the world without a slightest doubt.   He never even wished to be discreet .. he didn't care about anything but Jisung ..

Sadly his love in his heart was slowly clouding by the loud voices of his head .. which were something like .. is Jisung missing me at all ?? ...is Jisung too busy to not text me ..or he is glad that I am not around and he doesn't have to deal with me .. i was indeed a bit all over him about my feelings and possessiveness... did i scare him away from the amount of attention I asked out of him .. ?? Did i disgust him due my indication to hurt myself ?? .. I guess ...he ... Just don't feel the need to talk to me .... Who would anyways want to be around someone like me ... 😢

Minho's self doubt was at its peak and with each hour passing and no sign of message or call from Jisung was making Minho believe every single speculation his overthinking brain was making was absolutely right .....

But little did Minho know that more than him Jisung was struggling ..... Jisung was hopelessly zoning out. . smiling randomly... All Jisung wanted was to hold Minho in his arms again .. but his brain told him it was too soon to get too attached.... Jisung kept hushing all the urges his little heart was making to run to Minho or at least give him a call and hear his sweet voice .. it was strange as Minho was stalking Jisung for years but now after knowing who Minho really is and how soft, tender and fragile his heart is ..Jisung was uncontrollably drawn towards the cat like boy ....

It surprised Jisung as how soon Minho had marked his presence in his life and it felt like there wasn't a day in the past they ever spent apart .. it all seemed like they knew each other from forever and them being together was meant to be ...

The funny part was.. Jisung was the one who had casually joked about Minho being clingy but at this point his every single thought was screaming otherwise.. .. ..

" Jisungiee. ... What do you want.. ? " Jisung's mom asked for the third time but now waving her hand in front of her completely zoned out son sitting at a cafe after their little movie outing ...

" Uh. . cappuccino.. I will have a cappuccino mom. . ... Sorry. .. " Jisung replied embarrassed...

" What's up sweety .. what's got that little head of yours occupied with??? You were barely there yesterday during shopping and I bet you didn't pay any attention to the movie either. .. . . " Jisung's mom asked holding her son's hand ..

" Nothing mom .. really it's nothing .. " Jisung tried to convince..but it was quite evident that he wasn't telling the truth

" You know you can share anything with me ... " Jisung's mom asked again

Secret Admirer --- MINSUNGWhere stories live. Discover now