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On the same Monday morning .. other side of the school building, Jisung walked beside Felix overthinking ... 

"Whats cooking in that head of yours ??? " Felix asked noticing the furrowed eyebrows of his friend... 

" Ummm.. lix ... i -- i was just thinking of the weekend .. " Jisung stopped walking and waited for Felix to also stop and have this conversation before they enter the main hallway with many people... 

" What about the weekend .....Ji .... ???" Felix asked keeping his joyful side .. 

Flashback .. 

After eating the pizza and cuddling to sleep Jilix woke up next day only in the afternoon .. they slept in late as no alarms bothered to wake them up as it was a Saturday ... 

Felix woke up first and found himself held tightly wrapped around Jisung's strong arms.... his broad shoulders which made all of Jisungs hugs so much warmer which felix absolutely loved..... He looked up to see a sleeping Jisung with his mouth slightly ajar .. which let him to drift to his own fantasy land that was filled with the boy before him ..he lived, loved and pretended to say so many things which he would never say out loud in the real world ... Felix's inside screamed joy thinking of everything that happened last night ...with a smile he didnt know his face wore .. he thought ....  ' Ji .... i had no clue my fantasy would ever come true ...Ji ... my jisungieee ... my squirrel .. my always first love ....how are you so beautiful ... you have no idea how much I had to convince this heart of mine which is so weak for you to believe that you will never love me in a romantic way back... but that's okay ... it really is ..... i would never get my strong feeling of love desire and fondness for you come in the way of our friendship .. as your presence in my life is much more important than the label with which you stay by my side .. so .. i will continue to stay by your side as you want me to .. my heart aches that some day you will find someone that you truly love and of course that someone should truly deserve you .. i will of course cheer your love ... but .. he he he  .. i just hope your never forget the offer i made as joke ...But that was my last resort ...  I will be their waiting for you at the end of the road with open arms if you couldn't find anyone .. I wont mind being your last choice.. but instead i will so thrilled to be your choice ..  i was all excited to tell you I found a new crush today ... but the moment this happened .. i believe i will only get attracted to people but i am afraid I will ever fall in love with anyone else but you ......"  Felix smile widely just thinking of that possibility ...  

" do my morning face look funny ??? "  Jisung said in his deep morning raspy  voice .... making Felix's heart to flutter and taking him out of his fantasy world

Brushing all the thoughts away .. " your every face look funny .. you clowniee .." saying that Felix got up after struggling a bit out of Jisung's hold .. he did not want get caught blushing 

" Where are you going .. ?" Jisung pouted not happy being woken up .. 

" Its past 1 PM Ji .. get up .. i am hungry ... " 

" already 1 ... ohh ... damn ..

" What happened ..???

" I had to go to my cousin Jeongin's place ... i totally forgot .. its my aunt's birthday. remember i told you " Jisung tried to wake up rubbing his eye but still felt very sleepy .. 

Felix could coo over this cute Jisung .. his morning face was just beyond adorable ... but he quickly snapped out .. " then go get ready  .. lets grab something to eat on the way .. I will drop you to Jeongin's place .. "  

Jisung nodded and slid out of the bed waddling his way to the bathroom ... 

Time Skip . ... 

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