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Monday Morning.... Hyunjin walked to his locker with a bright smile on his face holding a single sun flower that represents adoration. Hyunjin enjoyed Jisung's company and it always felt like he could light up  Hyunjin's dull world with the colours of his beautiful smile and pure heart.... he was glad he confessed his long hidden feelings to Jisung a few days ago .... 

Flashback ...  

" Han Jisung ... will you be my boyfriend ??? "  Hyunjin said feeling hesitation in every bone of his body ....

 ... Jisung sat there just looking into the taller's eyes trying to process the question that fell out of his mouth ... 

Jisung always liked Hyunjin .. they were very close ... but not once he thought of Hyunjin in any special way ..  at least he once or twice thought about Felix just because they openly discussed these things ... watched movies like 'friends with benefits' and wondered if they found no one else .. they would probably get old together ... of course in all lighter sense nothing serious .. but the fact that they were extremely protective of one another was very evident and no one could deny.... but it wasn't same with Hyunjin .. they were definitely close ..but it was just not to the level Jilix were ...  

But somewhere while growing up .. Jisung was glowing up and becoming very cute but also very handsome .. and during a school party when Hyunjin watched Jisung dance he fell for Jisung like one would fall asleep after a tiring day ... in an instant ...   his feeling started growing by day but he kept denying and also somehow distanced himself so that he doesn't act up in a way that made Jisung uncomfortable and make him to hate him in turn.. 

It was during this time when a very charming boy named Seungmin came to their school as an exchange student and Jisung crushed over the boy in split seconds of laying his eye on the puppy faced charmer .. Jisung would be extra sweet, extra cute , extra loving , everything extra extra extra for Seungmin and Hyunjin hate this to the bits ... 

Felix as Jisung's best man and partner in all his intrusive crimes for his crushes ... helped set them up together for some additional after school tutoring .... which Jisung did not need but he acted all dumb and lost for Seungmin as he found it very cute .... 

Jisung somehow,  after many crushes build up all the courage and wanted to propose to Seungmin .. when he felt the other might mostly feel the same way .. as they went on endless night walks, cafe dates , karaoke hangouts , movie marathons, sleepovers, cuddles and what not ... 

But ..... 

all came crashing down when one day ... 

It was a party night and Jisung was running late .... he only came in as Seungmin was coming .. he dashed his way to the party .. looking for his pummyM .. but he could not see him anywhere .. he asked felix ... but he didn't know about his whereabouts .. so Jisung decided to go upstairs and look ... 

He opened the door of the third room being unsuccessful with the first two ... for all that wait to find Hyunjin giving a blow job to Seungmin and the words that spilled out Seungmin's mouth ...." gosh ... you are so good at this ... i was wasting so much time with Jisung but he would never let me touch him .. but baby you are so good with that dirty mouth of yours i want you over anyone else  ... ahhh---- yes ---- right there ...

Hyunjin gave him an annoyed look and thought .. you deepshit you can never deserve Jisung ... but he said out loud when Seungmin looked down on why Hyunjin stopped .... " thank god you realised ... you deserve so much better " ... Seungmin smirked and pushed Hyunjin to put his mouth back on his throbbing hard dick .. 

Jisung stood there tears falling down his face uncontrollably ... he walked out slamming the door making Seungmin and Hyunjin notice that their dirty little act was witnessed by someone ... but they only realised that it was none other than Han Jisung which was much later ... 

Jisung stopped talking to Hyunjin and Seungmin ... Hyunjin begged for forgiveness and requested a chance to explain .. but Jisung never gave .. he was deeply hurt as Hyunjin knew all along how much he liked Seungmin ... Whatever Hyunjin's intention was his way of dealing with it was hell wrong ... 

After some months Seungmin transferred to a new school ... 

Felix held Jisung in his arm every night when the squirrel boy cried himself to sleep  .. he didn't know he was hurt more by loosing someone he liked or more by being betrayed by his best friend ...   

With time ... his wounds and tears dried up and he started forgetting the past and enjoying his present .. his days with Felix, his studies and getting new hobbies to distract ... Felix was with him all along ... 

One day Yongsan (some random name) from the senior class approached Felix and asked him out on a date ... Jisung felt he would lose his friend if he started dating or getting feelings for someone ... and maybe he would betray him just like Hyunjin did just to put pleasure before friendship .. he started a sick rumour about Felix and himself ... it was a childish move but it worked in Jisung's favour ... 

All these memories that Jisung had successfully hid deep inside his heart after extreme efforts of distracting himself....  flashed before his eyes making tears roll down his cheeks without his knowledge .. 

Hyunjin noticed that Jisung was tearing up and he cupped his cheeks and asked ...  " Sungiee ... Seungie .... why are you crying ... I am sorry .. if that made you uncomfortable ... I am sorry ... i really am .... please please please dont leave me again ... "  Hyunjin almost begged Jisung falling on his knees holding his hand .... 

Jisung was once very mad at Hyunjin, but after some time he did realise that Seungmin wasn't a great guy either.. but their relationship was strained and it just felt right to not be friends for Jisung .... But his heart was too pure to hate someone .. and he never hated Hyunjin, he just hesitated with the idea of them being friends again... because with everything amazing ... Jisung had the biggest issue trusting people ..... His dad had betrayed, cheated and abandoned him and his mom when he was only 12 .....   

But he looked at the sobbing Hyunjin begging to not leave him alone .... he never wanted anyone to feel abandoned like he did ... and knowing the fact that Hyunjin is also going through a very rough time with his family made his heart squeeze .... he bit down all his thoughts and emotions as said .... " Hyunjinee ..... I am not crying for what you said ... it was just ... Just ... so sudden .. "  

Hyunjin looked up wiping his tears and clearing his vision to look at the boy he likes .... " So???

But Jisung did not accept nor declined..... " I cant answer to you right away ... Can you please give me some time ... ???? " saying that as his last exchange of words before driving back home and dropping Hyunjin on the way ... 

End of Flash back..... 

Hyunjin opened the locker door and yelled at the peak of his voice when a tarantula crawled on his hand .. he dropped all his belongings along with the flower and ran away shrieking in fear ... 


A certain someone was watching this and smirking .... " servers you well for trying to think of my baby ...

So........ thoughts ??? 💭💭💭

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