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Soon Jisung was standing outside of Felix's house and while he was driving he was continuously alternating to reach either felix or his stalker .. neither were replying .. Jisung took a deep breath and stepped out of his car and was hesitant to knock on the door as this would certainly alarm his parents if they didnt know where their son was ... 

Jisung slowly walked but suddenly was yanked back with force when his back hit someone's chest and before he could react a cloth was put on his nose and soon he felt dizzy and fell in the arms on the person who had just  knocked him off unconscious ... 

'bloody hell .. Jisung ... ' was the last thing Jisung heard before he completely passed out ... 


10 hours Later 

Jisung stirred in his sleep and felt the very comfortable soft pillow under his head ... without opening his eyes the sweet smell of light lavender flavoured room freshener filled his nostrils making him smile involuntarily .. He slowly sat up finding it difficult to open his eyes . his head felt heavy and after a bit of a struggle he opened his eyes to a huge room with high ceiling.. modern furniture and accents were all blue and white.. it looked extremely sophisticated yet boyish and bright.. on one side was a floor to ceiling book shelf and jisung gasped on how many of them were  comic books ... he slowly slid down and waddled his way to the books and was awestruck ..  'wait .. where am i '...... jisung looked around in pure panic .. but seconds later the door cracked open and was shut back immediately . ..  Jisung ran up to the door and banged on it ... " hey ... hey .. open the door .. show me yourself ... ''  There was no response but the door was locked from outside as Jisung tried to turn it open .. "please .. please ... open the door ... " Jisung felt overwhelmed and sank to the floor with tears flooding out his eyes ... 

"please dont cry ... " Jisung heard a soft familiar voice come from the other side of the door ... "then why dont you open the door .. " jisung questioned .. 

"be--because you ... you said to hyunjin . that .. that.. you dont see my love for you .. its only madness ... " came a response with a hitched voice 

" what ???? how -- how did you ... never mind .. isn't it true though??? how many people have you already hurt in the name of love ... if something is wrong its wrong .. you can reason while hurting innocent people .. " Jisung replied sternly 

Jisung heard a loud gasp ... something about the person on the other side of the door made jisung feel bad ... he knew after everything had happened . they deserved to be hated .. but when he heard soft sniffles it made him wonder .. if he is this soft how can he possibly even hurt people .. kidnap me .. it doesn't fit right ... 

"hey .... we can talk this out .. .. we cant continue this way .... you cant go on hurting people around me ... " Jisung said in a soft tone ..

" I -I-- Know.... this cant go on forever .. but I also know you would never love me back .. when you rejected such good looking  and sweet people like Hyunjin and felix ..I --I stand no chance. "  

"hey .. --- " Jisung was cut off.... " at least I can be around you without coming in your way like this ... I can make sure you heart is not with anyone else... if not me

" you know with this excessive possessiveness .. you would not find anyone in life ??"

" i dont want anyone else .. I just want YOU .... "

" but .. you wouldn't even show me yourself ... "  jisung huffed in exhaustion  .... there was no response received .." can you please at lest tell me if Felix is fine ???

" why do you worry about him so much ... ??? "

" because he is my best friend .. ?????" 

" he is fine ... " a uninterested response came 

" Changbin took him to a cafe from hospital .. so he didnt come home on time .. and .. and you came instead of him there .. so ... so ..

" wtf .. you were planning on kidnapping Felix and do what ?????" Jisung stood up shocked 

" i -- I swear .. we wouldn't do anything to him ... only plan was to knock him out and make you not reach him ... but that stupid love struck pig just messed up everything  " 

"wait ... did you say WE??? and love struck... Changbin  ??"

" oops ... " 

" i need answers ....... " Jisung banged on the door again .. 

" ummm .... ahhh .... ufff .. fine ... but before that ... are you hungry ??? I bought you cheese cake .. would you want to eat it first ???

" am i nuts to fall for my kidnappers words??.... you could poison it "

" you are as beautiful as princess snow white .. but i am not the evil witch ... why would i harm the love of my life ????

to that Jisung chuckled and it was heard by his stalker ..but soon he stiffened up .. " how do you speak so grand .... i mean .. snow white .. really ???

" your prettiness makes everyone else look like draws .. " his stalker stated as if it was the truth of the century 

" god ... why are you even creepy ??? you know you could win over a ton of people with those cheesy  lines .. " Jisung shook his head turning around to look carefully in the room again to find some clues of the boy standing outside ... 

" as i said .. i want only you ... no body else ...

" then ask me out like a real man ... " Jisung replied which was heard in a distance as he was walked further inside the room .. 

his stalker jolted in shock .. " wh-- what did you say ..???

jisung walked back to the door and leaned on his hands whispering to the door ... " if you need me ... ask me out properly .. "

" you --- you are joking right .. the second you get to know who i am .. you will report me to the police ... stop making me get a heart attack ... " his stalker sounded almost panicking .. 

" i wont ...." Jisung replied .. 

" i -- i dont believe you ..

" how can you not trust the person you are in love with ??" Jisung retorted

jisung heard hurried foot steps which faded and few seconds later he heard it back .. "step back from the door and turn around ... " 

" okay .. you have my word ... " Jisung walked few steps back and turned around and waited .. after a minute or two he heard the door open and close .. he looked down and saw a blind fold next to it .... " pl--please put on the blind fold and sit on the table with your hand at the back .. "

Jisung complied and did as he was told .. he picked up the mask which was a squirrel and at the edge a word were embroidered ..'MINE' .. he shook his head and put on the mask and put his hand at the back on the chair .. "what next ... " jisung called out ..

few seconds later the door cracked open and closed ... jisung quickly turned pulled his mask away breaking his promise to see who it was .. but all he saw was a brown cat walking in ... 

"hey ... "  jisung whined 

" you lied ..

 " okay .. okay .. i am sorry ... i swear i wont look this time ..

the door opened again .. Jisung could not keep his promise again and he looked ... and he immediately gasped on seeing the person standing in front of him ... " it -- it was you ?? all this time .. but .. wh-- how ... i mean .. " jisung was at lost of words ... he could not believe his eyes ... 

so ..... there there ....... who do you think Jisung saw ?????

consecutive days update .... wow ... i am outdoing my own expectations ... haha .. anyways Jisung will see this stalker/admirer soon .... so stay tuned .... 

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