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Days passed and Jisung was constantly around Minho .. at first Jisung was there to make sure Minho did not harm himself ... but very soon without him knowing.. Minho's presence started making him happy .. His daily boost was to see Minho whine when he would spot Jisung on the passenger seat in the evenings every time he would want to go to out drink ...  and Minho without uttering a single word would just sigh faking annoyance and drive to the river side or small hill lock with a beautiful city view or just a random cafe to completely avoid alcohol... Minho only drank to forget the pain of not having Jisung by his side .. but when Jisung was there irrespective of how or with what tag Minho did not need any liquid ... though he did not expressed but cherished every second of it ... and Jisung loved how comfortably they communicated  without saying much .....  

Jisung's presence was becoming a necessity for Minho to stay sober, sane and shut down all the noise his head made ... Just like that two weeks passed with Jisung returning home with Minho after school to complete and catch up on the school works...  

Jisung's remembered how Minho had broken down in his arms two weeks ago and how he had promised himself to never leave him be to suffer alone ... he stayed to make Minho realise that it was okay to be weak, it was okay to be venerable , it was okay to share troubles and it was okay to cry and there was absolutely no need to feel ashamed or embarrassed about it ...

Now school lunch group was a little bigger with Chan, Changbin, Felix Jisung and Minho eating together it was just laughter's and fun banter ... not once Changbin or Felix questioned .. they just smiled and felt happy each time Minho would open up to them .. 

Jisung did everything in his power to make Minho relaxed .. if not happy or all smiley .. he made sure he was not fighting a war within ... But Jisung was Jisung and his ways were as unique as he was ... as on the first day of his self curated Minho's daily activity plan's therapy session Minho was being man handled by Jisung and Chan making Minho yell " which fucking therapist ties his patient to a chair ???? "   .... " the ones that don't run away .. " Chan and Jisung had said together making Minho roll his eyes in annoyance ....Jisung would just laugh out loud looking a whiny Minho and these session included serious munching on junk food while watching anime or painting or sitting on a park swing or playing video games ... or the one the Jisung loved the most talking a quite walk  to the nearest convenience store to buy more junk food ... 

This was Jisung's way to tell Minho that it was okay to relax with little things this way .. it was okay to find things to do that did not require him to escape to intoxication or pain relief .. he could try and find a healthy distraction .. and his way of telling he is there to make Minho believe that he is beautiful as is ... and his ways never failed to surprise Minho as he was out of his wits at guessing the unpredictable Jisung and what awaited for him the next day.... soon ....like after 1st week Minho stopped resisting or whining too much ... he slowly and diligently started doing everything that Jisung told him to without any disinclination... 

the 2nd week went by smooth  ... fun ... and so did the 3rd started off on a great note and was soon coming to an end

But Jisung was worried  .... 

" Why do you look so disturbed Ji ... Minho has been doing everything you had asked him too ...  He hasn't drank in the last two weeks ....." Chan asked looking between Jisung sitting in front of him and Minho who was standing alone at the vending machine fetching everyone a drink as he had lost against Jisung last night while playing video game... 

It was Friday afternoon's lunch, last school day before Christmas break and also the last day of Jisung 3 week plan ..  

" he is just doing it because he feels obligated ... he feels pressured that I am stepping away from my comfort zone or my liking just to 'fix him' " Jisung said air quoting the last phrase slumping his body on the table ... 

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