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"Do you like it " Minho asked 

" No ..." Jisung stood up distancing himself from Minho and started walking back.. 

" Hanniee ... wh-- what happened .. ?? " Minho asked worried and confused 

" you cant ju-- Just ..... " Jisung broke satting down on the ground pulling his legs to chest and started crying while mumbling .. No . NO ... No .

Minho took few steps towards Jisung and sat down in front of him and slowly went to crease his hair when Jisung angrily spat " dont touch me ..

Minho felt his whole body stiffen ... it was just a little while ago he had heard a 'Yes' coming from the boy he loved but all of a sudden he was rejecting his touch .. " Jisungiee .. please tell me what happened .. did I say something that upset you ???

" its not what you say .. but its what you do .... " tears were still streaming out of Jisung's red eyes ... 

" wh--- what do you mean ??? " Minho asked unable to stop the tears rolling down his own eyes..

" Minho ... stop acting so innocent .. you and your brother have done enough things that are not close to anything innocent .. and the fact that even I got carried away in your manipulation ..all this is pure toxic ... TOXIC .. " Jisung yelled his words hitting Minho's heart like sharp knives 

" Jisungieee ... " 

" Dont call me that .. Dont call me anything ... just just let me go .. " Jisung stood up and started walking backwards 

But Minho quickly grabbed Jisung's hands and fell on his knees pleading .. " Please please please Hannie .. please dont leave me like this .. please tell me what it is .. please .. i beg of you to please tell me .. please ... I Love you .....

Jisung snapped his hands away from Minho " I said yes .. you kissed me ... now am saying no . will you kill me or kill everyone around me ?? so i can die alone but be with someone else thats not you ???

Minho tried to speak .. but no words came out of his mouth .. the pain he felt in his heart was making him weak by the second and his legs were not able to pull up strength and stand again...

" I -- I ... I would lie if i say I was not attracted to you .. so many things about you made me excited even before I knew who you were .. now I know who you are and I'm still attracted .. but I am scared Minho .. I am scared of you ... I am scared what if someone talks to me tomorrow and i see them also lying on a hospital bed . ... and please dont blame it on Chan .. you could have stopped him . but you never did ... you liked  when he torched people .. this is not love  " Jisung said wiping the tears from his eyes .... " Im leaving .. " saying that Jisung started walking out of the park ...  

Minho tried to get back on his feet and fell in the process couple of time when trying to follow his love ... who was walking towards his house 

Minho tried to say things but.. was Jisung wrong .. NO ..... it was all his fault to put fear inside Jisung's heart when there was no love ... He quietly walked behind him making sure that the younger reached home safely 

Jisung felt Minho behind him but he did not spare a second glance at him .. he did not want to give in easy ...  Sure he felt special like hell when Minho took so much effort for his birthday wish .. also he was touched by everything he confessed and showed his face .. the pure fear of rejection was dripping from Minho's face when Jisung first laid eyes on him ... The kiss was magical .. something about Minho's touch makes Jisung go weak on his knees .. But this whole setting was not right .. and it could not go on like this ... 

On reaching Jisung's house .. Jisung sighed saying " go back home " he said without looking at Minho and went inside .. Minho stood there for a long time before leaving felling terrible .. 

Minho reached home .. ignored Chan who was curiously waiting to know what happened .. but Minho did not respond ... he walked straight to his room and slammed the door shut .. he crashed on the floor and could not hold back on the loud ugly sobs ... 

hearing his bother cry Chan felt his heart sting... "Minho please talk to me .. please open the door .. what ever it is we can talk about it ... can you please let me give you a hug .. ???" Chan spoke from the other side of the door .. 

Chan was getting concerned but Minho refused to open the door even after multiple attempts ..

After a long time his crying had muted but tears refused to stop spilling ..... few more minutes passed and there was ding on Minho's phone ... his eyes widened when he saw it was a message from Jisung ... that was the last thing he expected ..... he quickly sat up rubbing his eyes off tears to get this blurry vision cleared ... 

My Love <3 

I am deleting your contact ... 

I will ask you to do the same ...

quite crying .. you look ugly ... meet me at the cafe with comic books at 10 AM tomorrow ....  

Minho stared at his phone for a long time and did not know what to do .. should he say okay .. but he asked me to delete his number .. But Minho was way to wipped for Jisung to not listen to him .. he was so down bad for him .. if Jisung asked he would walk straight through the wall ... with a heavy heart Minho deleted Jisung's number .. but little did Jisung know Minho knew practically every single tiny detail about Jisung at the back of his head ...  

Sighing .... the next minute Minho picked up his phone and called Changbin .. 

B: hey yo . why you calling me so late 

M: I need you to do something for me 

B: ummm  and why 

M: Because i am your friend and I helped your shy ass to confess to Felix 

B: Fuck you .. whatever .. spill 


B: are you sure about this ??

M: Yes .. 

B: Okay .. good night then .. 

after disconnecting the call .. for the first time Minho did not fall to his dark thoughts but instead he was planning on doing something else ... when he came home he was so close to dash to the bathroom and slit himself up...as he was that sad .. but somehow when Jisung texted he felt there is still the slightest of hope left .. at least that is what he assumed .. 

So ... ummmm . yes that happened .... what do you think ????? 

Secret Admirer --- MINSUNGWhere stories live. Discover now