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" you deserve the world ...Min ..... I am so thankful you chose me .. I am so grateful to all the stars that led you to me .... you are one gorgeous being that i have started to adore and admire and I don't wish to see myself away from you ..... " Jisung said pecking Minho's lips softly

Tears in Minho's eyes felt like it wouldn't stop any time soon..  but Jisung was patient and calmly waited for Minho  to relax.. he kept leaving soft kisses on Minho's heads .... running his fingers through his soft locks ... after many minutes Minho propped his head up and leaned slightly back still in Jisung's hold to look at his face ...  " can you kiss me ..."  Minho asked as the proximity they were already in was not giving him enough reassurance .. he just could not believe Jisung ..the boy he fell in love with so long ago was holding him at this moment ... 

" Sure .. with pleasure kitten.. " Jisung said with a fond smile and moved Minho's chin up pressing his lips on to Minho's softer ones .... Jisung swore there was no better feeling than having Minho's lips pressed against his ... the kiss was slow and romantic.... even without words Minho felt Jisung assuring him ...  agreeing to have similar feelings towards the one who had always done wrong .. the one whose own mother was ashamed off .. who was always used for his money and even his soft looks until he became cold and rude .. 

Jisung's touches comforted Minho without judging him for crying .. being vulnerable .. because somehow Minho was getting assurance that Jisung will protect him ... it was okay to cry on his shoulders ... it was okay to relive all mental load in front of him... 

Minho broke away from the kiss with the lingering feelings running through his whole body.... he looked into Jisung's sparkling eyes that held the whole universe in them .... " Ji -- are you disappointed ??? " Minho asked even after feeling reassured .. he had many questions he needed reconfirmation ... and Jisung understood it very well .." why would I be disappointed kitten ???

" Be-- because ... I .. I am on the receiving end .....not you  " Minho said with ghost of guilt enveloping his face 

 " Min ... dear .. i am not trying to stall answering this .. but why dont we quickly wash up and continue this comfortably laying down on the bed ... will that be okay with you ??? " Jisung asked and Minho nodded in response ... 

Jisung quickly clean them up making Minho wear his cloths with some fluffy socks ...once dressed Minho hopped again on Jisung like a koala bear till Jisung laid him down carefully as a fragile artifact ... he slid next to Minho pulling a warm quilt over them engulfing Minho in his arms making Minho rest his head over his chest .... 

Jisung ran his fingers through Minho's hair making him comfortable " Min ... Are you tried or do you want to continue our talk that I cut off before ?? 

 " I am tired .. but I want to know ... else I wouldn't be able to sleep " Minho voice came in a low murmur ...   

" of course .... please ask me anything ... " Jisung pulled Minho closer to himself as an act of solace 

" Ar--are you disappointed that --- ... that I need ... I mean ... you need to take care of me ... and its not the other way around .. ??? " Minho asked propping his head up and placing his hands on Jisung's chest so that he could see the boy while he answered 

" Minho ... do you see any traces of disappointment on my face .. did i say or express or indicate any of it ???? "  Jisung questioned back .. Minho was silent but shook his head saying a no  ... Jisung slowly sat up pulling Minho into a hug ... " I feel noting but honoured and privileged that I get to be this close to you ... that i can not only listen but feel your heartbeat .... You have no idea how special you have made me feel by all your beautiful gestures, presents and messages ... of course you possessive antics are a bit scary .. but it also made be feel so uncommon .... you are gorgeous Min... like look at you .. you face is a piece of art and I get to hold and guard this treasure .... bloody hell I am the luckiest dude in this whole god damn cosmos .... "  Jisung said slowing retracting from the hug to hold Minho's face in between his hands .... " babe .. i am everything opposite to disappointed ... the amount of joy i get holding your face so close to mine .. i cant even express in words ..  " saying that Jisung smashed his lips on Minhos which screamed passion..... 

" Oh my fucking god .. i am getting hard again .. how are you this hot and how am i this weak for you ... "  Jisung spoke surprised making Minho a blushing mess ...  " god you and your obsession to ruin my ass ... get out Han Jisung ... " Minho tried to escape from Jisung hold ... but was unsuccessful due to lack of any energy ... " not my fault .. who told you to be this sexy ?? " Jisung pouted grabbing Minho's hand making his trace his hardened log .. Minho could only smile shaking his head in amazement ... " how can a tiny human like you have so much energy ???" Minho asked amused by Jisung's avidity 

" focus .. determination and desire makes a great man .. " Jisung replied making Minho chuckle and it was the sweetest thing Jisung had heard that evening .. " you know Min I prefer your moans calling my name .. but sadly your smile sure is a winner ... "  Jisung added making Minho's cheeks beet red .. he hit Jisung's arms slowly in protest but was a thousand times relieved by his sweet reply .. Jisung said everything and also his amazing talent to flip the sombre atmosphere into a lively one was nothing but charming .. Minho smile and hugged Jisung with a long sigh of happiness... 

soon the boys drifted to dreamland warmly holding each other ... their heartbeats blending to create a rhythmic symphony ..... 


Minho stirred awake from one of the best night sleeps he had in a long time .. but instantly panicked when he could not find Jisung next to him .. he quickly sprang up with a jolt only to be surprised by a voice " Morning Sunshine ..." Jisung greeted Minho when with a wide smile while resting his face supported by his hands sitting at his desk ... 

Minho sighed in relief ... he mouthed a morning with a shy smile unable to bring an actual voice out ... Jisung got up and walked closer to Minho pecking his lips a couple of time .. 

" How did you sleep ???

" amazing ... but why are you up early ??

Jisung looked down pouting ... " I wanted to be all romantic and make you breakfast .. but I think the soup tastes like a dead rat .. " said while rubbing his nape 

Minho laughed but his eyes filled with unexplainable mellowness.... he pulled Jisung into a slow loving kiss ... " tell me this isnt a dream " Minho said looking into Jisung's eyes .. but Jisung formed his lips in a thin line and shook his head .." I am afraid not .. I can smell the burnt food .. " .. Minho blinked couple of times a smile fixated on his face .. he slowly walked out of the bed to quickly freshened up before going down to the kitchen to take a look at the mess Jisung had made .. 

Jisung was waiting for Minho at the end of the stairs with a sheepish smile.. 'how bad can it be' Minho thought walking past Jisung who did not following him to the kitchen ... but he immediately regretted and gasped at the visuals of the kitchen .. " Han Jisung ... I swear to god .. if you ever step foot in kitchen again I am gonna kill you ..

 " You wont ... you love me way too much ... " Jisung shouted back in response and Minho heard his footsteps running back to his room and slamming the door .. 

Minho shook his head abashed by the extreme mess Jisung the same guy who had spoken to him like the most mature person in this world last night .. but now realised Jisung was just a 5 year old with a old man's soul .....  

Minho cleaned all the messed and made a quick and easy breakfast ... But something caught his eyes leaving him hell embarrassed ... he spotted a note from Jisung's mom on the fridge .. 

" Jisungee ... morning ... Sorryyyyyyyyyy couldn't make breakfast had to leave early to work ... dont burn the place down.. order or get some food from the store ... also just to let you know i haven't shopped for myself in a while .. so will be heading to the mall after work to gift myself some good noise cancelling headphones ;-) ;-) ... ILY

I really didn't hope I would write today .. But somehow I felt it this was a better distraction than anything else ... Hope you are spending your weekend well... I love you .. I cant tell how much each of your comments and votes helps me escape from the mundane reality where people only try to leave rather than sit back and console even the smallest arguments ... 

 Yeah you can guess ...i was in such shitty mood when i started writing this chapter . but i feel a lot better now .... Hope you enjoying reading this :) sending loads of love and kisses to you and punches to everyone who made you feel unheard invalid and lame ... wish they all eat Jisung's dead rat tasting soup ...  

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