Chapter 2

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My mom was still gone by the time I got home from school. I went up to my room, tossing my bag in the corner. I pulled out my phone and started a video call with Uraraka. It was great to see and talk to her, even though I'd only been gone a few days, it felt like forever. 

After about an hour she had to hang up to go help her parents out with dinner. We said our goodbyes and let my phone drop onto my bed. What was I even supposed to do? I know I promised my mom a quiet year, but I had never been one to sit around my room and do nothing. I didn't even have homework to work on yet. 

I looked over at my window. It lined up almost directly with a window in our neighbor's house. It was kind of creepy, especially since I hadn't set up my curtains yet. Thankfully, we'd been here for around four days and I hadn't seen anyone in the other room. Maybe it was just a guest room or something? 

I made my way over to it, pushing it up, and a gust of fresh air entered the room. I took a deep breath and headed over to a full box. If I had nothing better to do, might as well start unpacking. I made sure to plug my headphones back in, needing to keep drowning the world out. 

About an hour passed before I noticed it. There was a brief moment of silence as my next song cued up to play, but I could still hear a drum. I pulled my headphones out and listened. I recognized the song almost instantly, it was Learning to Survive by We Came As Romans. I was sure about it seeing as I had just listened to it about three songs ago. 

I looked over to the window, where the noise was coming from. It was the seemingly abandoned room of the neighbors. I peeked my head over, noticing a drum set and a very concentrated blond sitting at it. His eyes were narrowed while he hit every beat. I had managed to notice him just before the chorus, and I honestly was a little transfixed once it hit. He hit every beat, following along perfectly, making it almost look easy. 

It didn't help that he was probably the most attractive guy I'd ever seen in real life with piercings to match. 

I took a seat right under the window, letting my head rest against the bottom of the sill. I had nothing better to do than sit and listen. Now that I was aware of it, I don't think I could turn my music up loud enough to drown it out. 

Eventually, he made a mistake. I heard a loud curse and a drumstick going flying. It sounded like it had directly hit the upper pane of glass on his window. He groaned and got up, walking over to retrieve his stick. 

"You're creepy as shit, ya know that?" 

The gruff voice startled me more than the flying stick had. I jumped nearly a foot, getting to my feet quickly. 

"I- uh- I didn't mean to- oh whatever," I mumbled, ignoring him and heading for my bed. 

"Hey!" he shouted, causing me to turn back around. "Don't fucking ignore me after sitting there and listening to me practice like a freak." 

I raised an eyebrow. "It's kind of hard to not listen to you, trust me I tried." 

He glared at me, his eyes a striking crimson color. "Whatever, loser." 

I rolled my eyes at the insult. "Your creativity astounds me, truly." 

That made him huff. I was really pushing his buttons. It was really the most fun I'd had since moving. 

"Fuck off, creep," he shot back, crossing his arms. 

"Why don't you just ask my name?" I asked, sitting on my bed. It faced the window so I could still easily see him. 

"Why the fuck would I want to know what your name is?" he asked while leaning against the side of his own window. 

I shrugged, "Maybe it'll spark some better ideas than 'creep' and 'loser'." 

He raised a brow. I don't think he was expecting me to go verbal blow for verbal blow with him. "What is it then?" 

"Midoriya," I said simply. 

He rolled his eyes. "First name?" 

"Yours first, blondie." 

He shot me a look. "Yeah because you're so creative." 

I didn't respond, just waited. 

"Katsuki Bakugou," he finally admitted. 

I smiled slightly, having won. "Izuku, Izuku Midoriya." 

He seemed to take the name into consideration, finally grabbing his lost drumstick, fiddling with it in his hands. "And where the hell did you come from, Izuku Midoriya?" 

"Nowhere special," I said with a shrug. 


His response was cut off by a woman's scream. "Katsuki! Get your ass down here!" 

A hand flew to my mouth to try and cover my laugh. He groaned, throwing his stick to another corner of his room. That poor stick. His hands met the top of his window as he looked back at me. "See ya around, loser." He started to shut the window, but I stopped him. 


He looked at me expectantly. 

"You're uh- not half bad, on the drums." I manage to say without stuttering too badly. 

He shot me a smirk. "I know," then he shut the window and walked out of the room. 

I let out a breath and flopped back onto my bed. 

A quiet year, that was what my mom asked for. Actually, it's the only thing she asked for when we moved. I promised her I'd try. I was going to keep my head down and stay out of drama and trouble. I have to stick to that promise, no matter what. I owe her that much. As much fun as Katsuki Bakugou had been for those few minutes, he can only ever be a few minutes. 

I can totally stick to that. 

Boo you whore, no you can't. 

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