Chapter 7

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I won't even lie to you guys, I want this to read like a 5sos fan fic. Truly the only reason I wrote this. Yes, I am listening to 5sos right now, and yes, it's their old shit, I'm old dudes. Holy shit, I'm old and this app literally watched me grow up. That's fucking trippy to think about. Funnily enough, listening to the same music, writing the same shit I was at 14 when I started all this. I'm about to turn 20. I'm having a midlife crisis, send help.

That's how I found myself in Bakugou's garage, listening to Kirishima sing 18 by Anarbor. It was an eye opening experience. A hot, tall, built as hell guy, with long hair, more piercings than I've been able to count, and he can sing? Are you kidding me? Not only was his voice flawless, but you would never be able to tell it was practice by the way he was acting. Ashido (who is apparently only kind of in the band. I learned she just sings in a couple of the songs, other than that she's basically the manager) and I got a free show. There was even a small sing-along section we absolutely demolished. I'm almost ashamed to admit that it was the most fun I'd had, not breaking any rules, in a while. We clapped and Ashido screamed, once they'd finished.

"There's only one flaw with Kirishima singing that song," I pointed out, drawing everyone's attention. The redhead visibly deflated at the words, I almost took my joke back before the punch line just from how sad he seemed. "The lyric is "If you like long hair and tattoos", you only check one of those boxes."

The room was quiet for a moment, a knowing look passing between all of them. Then Kirishima chuckled and took his red flannel off. The entirety of both his arms, which were absolutely sculpted, were littered with drawings and markings. I couldn't exactly make out what most of them were, from where I was sitting with Ashido, but the one that caught my eye was the vines that started at his right wrist and made their way up his arm.

"Fuck," I mumbled, my eyes scanning over the artwork and trying not to let my eyes still for too long. "I thought you were seventeen?" I asked, finally drawing my gaze back up to his. 

"I am," he said sheepishly.

Ashido dramatically threw herself onto my shoulder, loudly whispering to me, "Took my hours to do that stupid fucking vine."

I turned to her in surprise. "You did all of those?"

She beamed at me, obviously very proud of her work. "Every single one. All of us have a few. Bakugou, don't you have the most?" She asked, looking over at the blond, who had abandoned his drum set to grab a water bottle.

"Duh, I'm the only one that doesn't tap out," he said, taking another swig.

"I only tapped once! And it was my tricep!" Kirishima whined, tying his flannel around his waist.

"You all have tattoos? Seriously?" I asked, dumbfounded.

Kaminari, having already set his guitar down, leaned on Kirishima's empty mic stand. "That's what surprises you about us?"

"Yes," I said dramatically. "Of all things, that's what surprises me."

Sero, I think finally realized that they weren't going to be practicing much more at the moment, and took the strap of his base off. "Do you seriously not have any? Mr. 'I can handle anything you throw at me', doesn't have tattoos?"

"I have one," I admitted. "But it's just a shitty stick and poke a friend gave me when he got really drunk and thought it'd be a good idea." I faintly smiled, remembering the night Todoroki said he could do it easily. I don't remember much after agreeing, there was a lot of vodka involved.

"That's so lame dude," Kaminari said with a frown. "We gotta change that. Ashido, change that," he instructed.

The girl laughed and shook her head. "I think he needs to agree first, Kami. I can for sure give you one, a nice one too, if you want it," she offered.

I looked over at Bakugou, who had been pretty quiet for most of the conversation. He raised his brow in a challenging way. I sighed. "I would take you up on the offer, but I already promised someone I'd wait until we could get tattoos together."

"Lame," Ashido said with a pout, scooting away from me and crossing her arms.

I shrugged. "Sorry, Uraraka scares me more than any of you combined."

"Well, she sounds hideous," Ashido mumbled, almost to herself.

Sero, while in the middle of putting his instrument back in it's case, without turning around or missing a beat, said "Well, she's a man so."

"Thank you, Sero. I needed that right now," she said gratefully. I elected to not question it anymore.

"So, you're losing the bet?" Bakugou asked. "To be honest, I was expecting you to last at least a week, Deku." He crossed his arms, leaning back against a wall. He wore his most annoying and antagonizing smirk.

My jaw ticked from how hard I was clenching it. "This has nothing to do with me being a pussy, I made a promise to a friend, one I've known my whole life. Sorry for not throwing that away for some guy and his band of misfits after knowing them for all of two days." I seethed.

Bakugou pushed himself off the wall, stalking towards me. He braced one arm on the back of the couch I was sitting on and leaned forward, getting way too close for comfort. From that distance, I could actually smell the body spray he used. I couldn't really focus on anything else, other than him. I was starting to realize that Bakugou had that effect, it didn't matter how hard you tried, the gravity that was Katuski Bakugou was going to pull you in and make it impossible to escape.

"You've known me for three days, smart ass," he said, tilting his head slightly.

That broke my trance instantly. I think I might have actually growled at him while I pushed him off of me. He laughed at that, and that was the first time I had heard him do anything but scoff or a quiet chuckle.

I'm might be considered a dumb troublemaker, but I knew one thing for certain.

That laugh should not have made my stomach flip like it did.

Spotify link nerds👇👇

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