Chapter 23

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The next few days passed by with relative ease. There was still an uneasy tension between Eijirou and me, but other than that life went on as normal. Before I knew it, Friday had rolled around and Ashido was in my room, picking out my clothes again. 

"I'm capable of dressing myself, ya know," I said from where I was lying on my bed, watching her rummage around. 

"For school? Yes. For the club? No." Clothes were tossed my way and I was thrilled to see that there wasn't a crop top involved. The muscle tank she'd picked out was also the fault of Uraraka though. She'd insisted that the plain black t-shirt it used to be would look way better cut up and tie-dyed with bleach. "Do you have any belts? Who am I kidding, you're emo, of course you do. Where are they?" she corrected her previous question. 

"Ouch," I paused. "Top drawer of the dresser," I said with a sigh of defeat. She was right. 

Seconds later a belt was tossed at the end of my bed. "Get dressed, stick some metal in your face, and let's go," she instructed. 


I was getting deja vue while sitting at the bar with Himiko, yet again. When Dabi came around and asked what we wanted, I just requested a Sprite. There was no way I was drinking.

Himiko booed at me, taking a shot of vodka herself. "That means you're not gonna dance with me." Her face was still screwed up from the awful taste of the alcohol while she complained. 

I offered my soda to her as a chaser. She eagerly took a drink while I asked "Are you drinking here every weekend?" 

She shook her head while swallowing, handing my cup back. "You think I drink in this place without you around? Well, besides the first night, but that was different circumstances." 

I raised an eyebrow at her, a signal to explain more. 

"You know, I just ran away and wanted to not think for a night," she clarified for me. 

I nodded my head, fully understanding what she meant. It was the same reason I'd drank the last time I was here. It was nice to just shut off your thoughts for a little while. 

Himiko and I sat at the bar for what felt like forever, just talking. Every once in a while I'd look over to the stage to see my friends, but it was usually cut short by Eijirou catching my eye. Himiko was two shots deep and only a little tipsy, giggling more than usual. Her laughter was infectious because I was in the same boat as her, even sober. 

It wasn't until my group of friends were done with their set and the music was no longer familiar, that I realized my head was so heavy and everything was spinning. "Whoa dude," I mumbled, grabbing onto the side of the bar to steady myself. 

"He looks like he's had a bit too much," came an amused voice from behind me that I didn't recognize. 

"He's fine, don't worry," Himiko responded as I set my head down on the bar. Why am I sweating so much? I've been sitting down for hours. 

"You sure? He doesn't look so good. I can help you get him into a cab or something," the stranger offered. 

"We're good. Thanks though." She was trying to sound polite, but her voice had a sharp edge to it. 

I felt someone shake me slightly and I groaned at the sudden movement. 

"Izuchan? Are you okay? I thought all you had was Sprite. Izuku?" Himiko sounded worried now and I tried to wave it off. 

"I'm fine, just don't feel so good," I slurred. Did I start taking shots and forget about it or something? 

The stranger laughed, still standing behind me. I felt a hand touch my back. "C'mon bud, you should get home." 

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