Chapter 49

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IM GOING TO FINISH THIS BOOK AT EXACTLY 50 CHAPTERS THATS SO EXCITING! unfortunately that is only bc i zoned out high while writing this and forgot to break it up into multiple chapters. oops.

The next morning, I had to go to school. I considered skipping, seeing as all my friends (including my boyfriends) had to pretend to hate me all day. But the point of the fight is for Shigaraki to know about it. I'd rather him spy on me at school than in my own home, so I was stuck.

Shinsou was the only one awake by the time I was getting ready to leave. I remembered our talk the previous night, and I knew he did too, but neither of us brought it up. It was an unspoken rule about high talks like that, we didn't mention them again until we were stoned.

I ended up in Aizawa's classroom earlier than normal, only a few seats held students. I kept my head down and headed straight for my desk. My plan was to dissociate through the whole day and hope that Shigaraki noticed. My skin crawled at the thought of relying on him spying on me for anything, even if it was his own murder.

Katsuki walked in right as the bell rang, earning a tired sigh from our teacher, but no further action. He stomped over to his desk, deliberately ignoring me. I knew exactly why, but it didn't make it suck any less.

The rest of my classes and lunch flew by in a blur, just like I had hoped. A small part of me was wishing that Eijirou hadn't skipped our class together, just for a chance to actually see him, but of course he was absent.

I had to walk home, noticing my mom's car in the driveway as I reached my house. I groaned to myself, because that was just my luck. A lecture was waiting for me behind the front door.

Better to rip off the bandaid, I thought to myself, pushing the front door open.

The sight of my ticked off mother greeted me in the hall. I held a hand up before she could even open her mouth. "Can I talk, just for a second?" I asked, my fatigue obvious in my voice.

She frowned, giving me a once over, but didn't say anything.

I took that as my sign to start rambling. "I'm going through something really fucking shitty right now, and my friends are here to help me. I really need them right now, mom. I promise that we won't even leave the house, just please don't kick them out. Please," I begged, letting my backpack fall from my shoulder and hit the floor.

My mom was trying her hardest to remain firm, I could it all over her face. Eventually, she let out a long winded sigh, dropping her hands to her sides. "You promise you won't leave the house for anything other than school?"

I nodded eagerly. I had no intention of going anywhere until it was time for the meet up, and I'd have to sneak out for that regardless. That stipulation totally worked for me.

"Fine," she said with a single nod. "Let them know that dinner will be done around six."

I managed a smile and pulled her into a hug. She was surprised at first, seeing as I hadn't been a hugger since I was seven, but quickly returned the hug. It was uncomfortably tight, but I knew that was what she needed. "Thanks mom," I mumbled, releasing my hold on her.

She stepped back a few moments later, sniffling slightly. I got my cry-baby gene from my mother, obviously. "I love you, Izuku. You know you can talk to me, right?" She wiped away a stray tear from her cheek.

I chuckled a little. "I know, mom. I love you, too."

She quickly turned away, a hand over her mouth. "You should head upstairs, your friends have been waiting all day for you," she waved towards the stairs with her free hand.

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