Chapter 2~ Ed

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I wake to the smells of coffee and meat. I roll over, and hear someone singing faintly. I open my eyes, and for a second I don't know where I am, but then I remember the events of last night. I sit up in the comfy, white bed, and rub my eyes and stretch. I look at the alarm clock next to the bed. It says, 9:47. I look around the room, and notice that my clothes are folded neatly on top of the wooden dresser, against the opposite wall. I get up, and put on my clothes because these clothes don't feel right.

I walk down the hall to the bathroom. Then, I make my way to the kitchen, and I can hear music playing silently and Amber is singing along silently. I stop, and listen. She's pretty good, I think, and smile. I decide to stop eavesdropping, and walk in. Amber is over by the stove, and she's got a spatula in her hand cooking something. The funny thing is that she has a towel on her head. I laugh, and she turns around, obviously embarrassed.

"What's that," I ask, pointing to her head.

"A towel hat," she says, and smiles. Then, she puts the spatula down, steps away from the stove, and grabs the towel and yanks it off her head. She then, twirls it around like numchucks, and flicks it like a whip.

I laugh, so hard I have to sit down. Then, she flicks up an eyebrow like, Are you impressed? I laugh even harder, and say,"That was great."

"Thanks," she says. Then, takes a bow. I clap, and laugh some more.

Then, she walks down another hall to where I guess the laundry room is, and she returns toweless, and with messy, wet hair. She grabs the spatula, and flips something over. I can't see what it is though, because her back is blocking me from the pan.

"What're you cooking," I ask.

"Well this is bacon," she says, indicating the pan in front of her,"And there are biscuits in the oven. I fried some eggs earlier. I'll make some sausage next if you want some, and would you rather have regular gravy or chocolate gravy?"

"Oh. Why did you go through all the trouble to make this for me? I would've been fine with just a bowl of cereal, or something easy."

"You're coming from somwhere obviously far away, and I want you to have a good country breakfast before you go back. So, would you like regular gravy, or chocolate, and do you like sausage?"

"Chocolate gravy sounds interesting, and yeah I basically like every food. So, sausage is okay with me. I just wish you wouldn't have went to all this trouble," I say.

"Oh. It's no trouble at all. Do you like coffee? Or would you prefer something else?"

"Yeah. I like coffee, but I'll get it. You continue with your cooking." I get up, and walk to the coffee pot, and grab one of the glasses from behind it. I pour myself a cup, and fix it how I like it."Do you want some," I ask.

"Nah... I'll get myself something later."

"Do you not like coffee, or something," I ask.

"I like it, but uh... It... it doesn't like me. Do you get what I'm saying," she asks, laughing.

I laugh, and say,"Yeah."


Amber just finished cooking everything. Now we're sitting at the bar staring at all the food. She looks over at me, and with a smile she says,"Dig in." Then, she goes to the fridge, and gets a tea jug out, and she pours some in a mason jar. She tastes it then cringes. "Ick! Unsweet tea." She grabs the sugar can, and pours a lot of it into her glass. She grabs a spoon, stirs it some, and tastes it. Then, she puts even more sugar in it.

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