Chapter 9~ Amber

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I've never really told something like all that before. I decide it would be best to just pretend it never happened. Most of it wasn't even the actual stuff I wanted to say, but when it comes to talking, I have no filter. I don't even think before I speak most of the time. Usually, it's just whatever words come tumbling out of my mouth, without me thinking of them first.

I have prepared the breakfast of champions, cereal. "Yo, Ed? What kind of cereal do you want,"I ask.

"Um... Lucky Charms,"he replies.

I pass him the box, and reach behind me to get the milk from the fridge. I set it on the counter next to him.

In my best imitation of an Irish accent, I say,"Ye may love yer Lucky Charms, but I like me offbrand Lucky Charms better."

Ed chokes,"What was that?" He laughs.

"One of my accents,"I say. "They aren't very good at first, but after a while they are very on point." I smile.

"That was so random!"

"Yeah... You'll learn, eventually, that I make many random exclamations, and you won't be suprised by them anymore... Maybe."

"Maybe... You are very random."

"Yeah, I am." I smile. I get my cereal from the pantry, and pour myself a bowl. I sit next to Ed. "Can you pass the milk?"

Ed pushes the milk to me. "Sure."

Once I have my milk poured in my bowl I get up for some drinks while the cereal soaks up some of the milk. "What do you want to drink, Ed?"

"It doesn't matter. Just whatever is easiest."

I grab some juice from the fridge, and pour some in my glass. I pour just a little in Ed's glass. I pass it to him. "Try this."

"What is it," He asks.

"It's some kind of mango drink that's kind of like something I had in Hawaii," I reply.

"You've been to Hawaii?"


"Cool." Ed takes a sip of the drink. "It's different."

"Yeah. I like it. Do you want some more," I ask.

"Sure." He passes back the glass, and fill it up.

I return to my chair, and drink some of my own drink. I push my cereal around its bowl, making sure it is to the proper state of sogginess. Eventually, it gets wet enough, and I begin to eat my cereal.

"Do you always wait so long before you eat your cereal,"Ed asks.

"Usually," I reply. Ed takes a big bite of cereal,"I have to make sure it's wet... Just how I like it."

He looks at me, and I wink. He spits out his cereal.

I burst out laughing. His blue eyes are huge. "I did not expect that you would say something like that," Ed says, grabbing a napkin, to wipe his face.

"Sorry. I used to add all sorts of dirty comments like that to things, to make it funny. I was dirty minded before... You know... Well, I'm coming back, starting to be more like the old me. I can not thank you enough. I really appreciate it." I put my hand on his shoulder for a second. Then, too soon, I remove my hand from his arm, and walk to the pantry for a new roll of paper towels.

"It's my pleasure. I'll try to help in any way I can. Just call me if you ever need anything. I may not answer right away, but I will as soon as I can," he says.

I know I like Ed. I don't love him though. I don't know what he's expecting to get out of this relationship, but I'm not his girlfriend. I would prefer to be a friend with benefits... Not like that... But more like a friend that it's okay to hug, and cry with when I'm sad, but not be looked at like an alien and pushed away because they think it's creepy.

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