Chapter 13~ Amber

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I'm riding in the back of the car with my parents. They are having a conversation about work or something. I look out the window and I don't recognize my surroundings, but at the same time I feel as though I've seen this place before.

I try to think of where I've seen this place before, but I can't remember. It feels like someone has put a block on my brain, so I couldn't remember this specifically.

I lean toward the front and open my mouth to ask where we are, but I hear a noise and look out the window. A red car is speeding toward us. I scream, which scares my dad and he swerves. The car hits us on my side, and our car flips over and over. I hit my head on my door, and black out.


I hear a loud ringing in my ears, and smell smoke. I look around. My parents are still in the car. I drag myself to them. I try to get them out before the fire gets them, but my hands go right through them.

I continue trying to get them, but I am only a ghost in this dream and I can't help them. I cry and wish for the dream to be over, but I can't wake myself.

Pretty soon the fire has consumed the car, and I don't leave. I just lie there next to my mom, staring up at the fire. If they are gone nothing good is left for me. I lie there unmoving until the fire is all I see, and everything goes dark again.


This time I'm alone. I wake up, and look around. Everything is white: the walls, the floors, nearly everything is white. It is completely silent as well, so I come to the conclusion that I am dead.

I sit up, and look around. In the distance I hear a scream. I guess I may be in an insane asylum, but where is my strait jacket? Maybe they thought I wouldn't need one. I might though. Later on, when I really drive myself insane.

I stand up, and walk around the room. There is a white door with a silver handle. I pull on the handle but it won't open. I'm not surprised.

I continue my tour around the room. I graze my fingers lightly over the walls, looking for other means of possible escape.

I make my way to a window I did not notice before. I speed up slightly to inspect it, but I hear something behind me: a beeping sound. It gradually grows deeper and the beats slow. I have two steps before I reach the window, but I stop. I must know what that sound is.

I turn around. I see me! I'm lying in the same bed I just emurged from. I have forgotten the window.

I walk to the side of the bed, but as I get closer I realize that sound I heard before was a heart monitor. But it had changed. The sound was no longer a monitor, but the beating of a heart.

As I inch my way forward, it speeds up more and more, occasionally skipping beats.

I've always wanted to see myself in the third person like this. I move closer and the heart stops. I look down, and I'm touching my shoulder.

I suddenly feel pain. The version of me in the bed becomes more beautiful and less blemished, while my aches and pains intensify.

I turn around and stride to the window. It isn't a window though, it is a mirror. I see myself becoming more pale. Suddenly the beeping comes back, but there is only one long beep that seems to continue forever. It doesn't though. I feel the sharp pain too late. The beautiful version of myself had gotten out of the bed and stabbed me in the heart. I knew then that the long beep was saying that I am dead.

I crumple to the floor as my blood spreads across the floor. My beautiful self stands there watching me bleed out for a few seconds. Then, walks over to the heart monitor and unplugs it. She too crumples to the floor.


I stand over myself in a pale tan hospital room. This time the version of myself in the bed is bruised and beaten, and has various machines hooked to her. I sit in a blue chair behind me. I cross my arms, and watch myself.

I hear footsteps approaching in the hall. There are two men talking. I know one of their voices.

The door opens, and a doctor looking dude leads a red-headed guy into the room.

The doctor says,"She is in a deep dream state."

The ginger says,"Can't you just wake her up?"

"It is not that simple. She needs rest, and this is the best way for her to get that."

The red haired guy looks familiar, but there is some block on my mind that will not let me think of my past. He says," Yeah. You're right. Can I stay here with her until she wakes up?"

"Of course," says the doctor. He gives a few more suggestions before he leaves the room.

I stand up slowly and walk closer to the bed. The man stands on the other side of the bed. It seems that he can't see me though.

I watch both the man and myself. He gets down on his knees, and whispers something. I somehow hear what he says, despite the distance. "Amber," he says,"Why did you get yourself into this?"

His question makes me wonder. What did I do to get there? And why did I do it?

I know nothing about myself, but this man seems to know a lot about me.

I drag the chair closer to the bed, and watch him from it. The way he looks at me makes me want to cry. He just looks so fluffy and sad. I want to give him a hug, even though I don't remember him.

I stay seated as various familiar, and unfamiliar faces stream in and out of the room. Some stay for a long time, and others stay only for a short time. The only person that stays is the red haired guy. I wonder if he and I were together because the way he looks at me I kinda ship it. It is very sweet of him.

After a while of silence and no one entering or exiting he moves closer to me. He squeezes my hand and holds it, and I feel it! My memories are back as well.

It shocks me. My heart beats harder, and he notices because he looks to the beeping monitor. He grins and gives me a delicate hug. I'm suddenly back into my own body, and I use all my strength to wake up. I have to hug him back.


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