Chapter 6~ Ed

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I'm just watching The Simpsons when suddenly the TV messes up. I don't know what happened, but there's this big box moving across the screen that says, Complete signal loss, or something like that. I look around and I wasn't sitting on the remote, so I have no idea what happened.

I get up and walk to Amber's door. I hesitate before knocking, and hear something. I don't know if I'm going to be interrupting something so I turn to walk away, but I work up the courage for three little raps on the door.

Amber opens the door a few seconds later, and she briefly has this different look on her face that I've seen before. Maybe it was worry or maybe sadness, but I can't tell because it's quickly replaced by one of her award winning smiles. I begin to wonder if they are actually real or if they are just for show.

"What's up,"She asks, awkwardly.

"Um... Something happened with the TV."

"Oh... I'll try to fix it,"she says, with a faltering smile. I instantly know that something's up, just by the fake smile. I know I shouldn't press the point though, but I watch her as we walk to the living room. I can't tell what's up, so I eventually just give up and ignore it.

Amber looks at the TV and says,"It just does that sometimes when the weather is bad. Just wait. It'll come back on in a minute."

"Okay,"I say.

We wait on the couch for about ten minutes. Then Amber sighs, and gets up. I notice she isn't very patient. She walks up to the TV, and opens the shelf under it. She flips through something before telling me to join her.

I get up, and help her pick out a movie. We finally decide on The Fault In Our Stars. Amber looks at me and looks kind of embarrassed. Then says,"Ed I have a question for you."


"Well... um... Are you gay?"

Wow! That was sudden. "No. Why would you think so," I reply.

"I don't know. Just your rainbowy arms, and your love of chick flicks must have threw me off."

"Well I'm not gay," I say.

"Okay," Amber says,"Sorry. I tend to read situations wrong. I apologize."

"It's okay. You aren't the first person to ask me that."

Amber puts the cd in with extra care, and changes channels on the TV. We watch all the commercials because Amber says that she loves the song on one of them. Then, we watch the movie.

Amber is one of those people who makes lots of comments on what she's watching. She was constantly saying,"Ooh! I love this part!" Also, every time Augustus came on the screen I could see her melt. She would gasp every now and then and cover her face with her hands, and I could tell she likes Ansel. So, she basically fangirled until nearly the end of the movie. Then, she was just super sad, and saying things like,"Why Augustus? You shouldn't die in this fandom. You should have died at the end of Allegiant." She is a spoiler. I feel bad for the poor souls that have to sit next to her in the movie theatre. Surprisingly, she doesn't cry in the end, like I thought she would.

"I've cried enough over this book before. So, it just isn't as sad anymore,"replies Amber when I ask her about it.

"It's still super depressing though."

"True. Maybe we can eat our feelings away though. I'll go see what we have to cook."

We walk into the kitchen, and Amber opens the fridge. She crouches down to look in the bottom drawer, and pulls out a ziploc bag with some meat in it. "Do you like chicken, Ed?"

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