Chapter 4~ Ed

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Amber is really not that great at ping pong. She started off playing okay, but eventually she couldn't even return the ball to me.

"This sucks,"she groans, as the ball flys past her, and hits the block wall,"I'm no good at this. Where did you get your crazy skill?"

"I don't know. Maybe I was just born to be a ping pong player,"I shrug,  grinning.

"I don't think so. I mean seriously you got some mad rappin' skills! You are truly a rapper at heart,"she puts her hand over her heart.

"No. I'm not a rapper. I'm a singer with a flow!" Sheerios would be proud of that comeback.

Amber laughs,"So you're a singer now too. You are probably the most talented person I've ever met..."She sits on the couch behind her, and pats the seat next to her. I set my paddle down, and sit in the spot. She sits there looking at me for a second. Then, suddenly she's serious and she says, "Ed... Could you sing to me?"

I look at the opposite wall, where a big, flat screen TV is on the wall, and think this through. I don't know if I should. It would probably be better if she didn't know who I really am... I would like to have one normal friend that no one knows about, even if it is just for a few days."Hmm... I don't know. Maybe later."

"Okay," she says, and she starts playing with her wavy, brown hair. Then, she gets a mischievous look in her eyes.

"What? What are you doing?"

She crawls closer to me. Then, she pulls my left hoodie sleeve up. "How many tattoos do you have exactly?"

"I don't know. Over a hundred."

"What's this one for," she asks, pointing to my lego head.

I laugh,"Lego Hou- The Lego Movie."

"Ooh! I loved that movie. Is it your favorite or something?"

"No. My favourite is The Notebook."

"I haven't seen that."

"Ugh," I pull my sleeve down, and cross my arms,"I unfriend you!"

"What?! I didn't know we were friends."

"Well now we aren't," I chuckle.

"Hm.. I wouldn't make me mad. There are some pretty crazy experiments I can try in your spampoo bottle, "Amber shakes a finger at me. "Watch out. You never know when something could come sneaking up on you!"

Then, claps her, and I hear something (someone?) Coming down the stairs. This kinda freaks me out a little. Once it gets down to the last step it stops, and leaps off the staircase and runs right toward me. I scream, and throw my hands up to my face. I peek through my fingers, and see Amber petting that dog I saw earlier. I think she's laughing so hard that she can't breathe. "You should have saw the look on your face! It was priceless," she says through the laughter.

"You scared me half to death!"

"Well at least you got to meet Jake here. He is very nice, and wouldn't harm a fly... Well actually he loves... murdering them, but he doesn't hurt people..."

"Oh. That's reassuring," I say, sarcastically.

"You want to pet him? He likes old dudes." Amber sticks her tongue out at me.

"I would take that as an insult, but I guess that's why he likes you so much," I shrug, and grin.

She flips me off, and words,"Fuck you," silently.

I laugh,"I'd rather not."

"Attack,"she commands, and pushes the dog toward me. It just sorta stands there. Then, looks up at me and jumps into my lap. It spins around, and sits there, wagging it's tail.

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