Chapter 6- Ticci Toby

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"I'm afraid to go out there again," I said as Red tried to pull me out of the room.

"Its fine, sis," Red said.

"Uhhh, they all just tried to kill me!" I exclaimed and turned into Eevee. "EEEEEVEEEEE!"

"Okay, Eevee, but you can't stay here forever," Red said. I whimpered and hid under the bed. Red sighed and dragged me out by my tail. I yelped and almost bit his hand off. "Sorry!"

"It's okay," I said as I turned human. "Where's Silver?"

"With his girlfriend," Red said.

"He has a girlfriend?" I asked.


"Whats her name?" I asked.

"Luna," Red said. "Shes a cat girl thing named a neko." (Gods, Red)

"Cool," I exclaimed. "I wanna meet her!"

"She's 14 like you, I'm sure you guys would be best buddies," Red said. "She's really nice, she's like a sister to me. She's slender's daughter."

"Whos that?" I asked.

"I'll show you," Red said. "Just cooooooome!"

"Cum?" I asked. He looked at me like: -_-.

"You have a dirty mind now?" He asked.

"I'm 14!" I exclaimed. "Just because I'm dead doesnt mean I didn't grow up!"

"Hey, it's dinner time," Toby barged in. I screeched and turned into Eevee. I hid behind Red. Yes, I'm very, very shy. "Wh-What?"

"She's shy," Red explained. "Come on, Eevee, nothing will happen."

He picked me up and brought me out of the room. I felt Toby smile under his mouthgaurd. I snuggled close to Red's neck.

"H-Hi!" Toby waved really fast in my face. I looked at him like: get your hand away from my face before it's gone. He stopped waving and chuckled. "M-My name i-s T-To-by!"

(At this point, I hit my head really hard against my desk)

"Eevee!" I said cause that's all I can pronounce in this form. Red put me down and I turned human. "I-I'm E-Evel-lyn."

Toby held out his hand. He seemed pretty friendly, so I took his hand. He shaked my hand so hard and fast I thought my arm was gonna fall off.

"Y-You stut-ter l-like Sil-ver!" Toby ticked a lot. "Br-Bro-ther l-like sis-ter!"

"Yeah, didn't you say we had a meal?" Red asked, taking my hand. Toby nodded and twitched. His neck made a horrifying tick.

"Oh my god, are you okay?!?!" I asked.

"Y-Yeah, that's normal," Toby said.


Yay! Tic Tac Toby has came into the story!

Toby: Dont call me that!

Thanks for reading!


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