New student

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Ch 1 new student

Play the song that say to play when you see the ☆

Louis groan's at the sound of his alarm clock. He hate's morning's. If he could take the whole 'Morning' process away he would. He reaches his hand over to find the 'Stop' button he gets up and walks to his bathroom its a light shade of blue its the type of blue that's grayish, it's not big, but big enough he has a towel hanger hung next to his shower, a laundry basket by the toilet, and his toiletries hung above the toilet. There's a window in between the shower and toilet facing into the door.

He walks up to the sink, and opens the cabinet that's also a mirror, he grabs his green toothbrush and toothpaste. He brushes his teeth while scrolling on his Ipod to get to his music, he presses his 'Morning ._.' playlist, his favorite song 'Look after you' By 'The Fray' (A/N play that lmao ☆) comes on first. He smiles and grabs a towel along with a pair of red trousers, a shirt thats white with blue lines and a pair of grey sneakers. He hums the song.

He goes over to the shower and starts it. He gets it to the perfect temperature, he gets undressed and head's into the shower. He closes his eyes as the warm water hits him it drips down his head, to his arm all the way down to his feet, he relaxes. He adjusts the water to make it a little cooler. He sits there just enjoying it soaking up all the water. After 5 minutes he starts cleaning his hair the soap gets bubbly, and he washes his body he cleans all the soap and bubbles turns the nozzle till the shower is off steps out of the shower and gets dressed.

He fixes his hair in a simple side brush humming a song that came on. He grabs his phone pauses the music and heads out side to the kitchen, his sister are there eating breakfast the twins Pheobe and Daisy run up to him and hug his legs. He looks at them with a smile Daisy says

"Louis! Louis! Mum said We're gonna go watch a movie in the cinema room after school!"

Louis family is very rich but Jo his mom makes sure not to spoil them to death make them decent humans

Louis says with a smile
"Yeah? What are you watching?"

The girls look at eachother and Phoebe says "Frozen!" Louis laughs and says
"Ok well have fun ok?" "OK!" The girls shout. They remove themselves from Louis leg and hop away he shouts out "I'm gonna head to school now bye guys love you!" All of his sibling and his mother shout back "Bye!" "Bye honey make sure you be safe!" "Bye-Bye!

He walks out the door and walks to school with his headphones on this time he's listening to a 'walking to school.-.' he hums while walking. He loves singing, and always does it, in the shower, in the car, even before bed he sings himself to sleep. He arrives at school, Zayn,Liam, and Niall walk up to him.

"Vass happnen!" Zayn says with his arm up he's wearing a white button up shirt a pair of tan trousers and a blue and white jacket the sleeve white and the middle navy blue. Zayn has jet-black hair and the smallest amount of stubble he's not overly tall but taller then Louis. He claps Louis on the back.

Niall walks up he mimics Zayn and Zayn rolls his eyes. Niall is wearing a bright red shirt and tan trousers. Niall has blonde tips but they go down far enough for it to just be his hair color he is taller then louis but by like a foot.

Liam walks up rolls his eyes at the two and says "Hi mate" he is wearing, a blue plaid button up with off white trousers. Liam has brown hair and slightly wavy he is taller then all of them but just by a inch for Zayn.

(☆ play 'enchanted' Taylor Swift )

They walk into campus they're all 12th years they're planning to go to the same college so they don't have to separate. Zayn look at Louis and the boy he says "Hey,you guys wanna go to my house after school first days are rubbish"
Liam nods his head Louis says"mhm" and Niall jumps up and says "Was planning on it anyway mate!" Zayn rolls his eyes at Niall

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