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Ch 6   

Im cringing so hard im crying omg when my freind read this our loud to me i was screamingggg (not literally) pls dont judge me i am not good at this🥲

They have been at Zayn's for a while, its around 3:00  and right now they are playing truth or dare, and the bottle lands on Zayn

They decided they were gonna start doing at least one round when they hung out

Zayn has his head on Liam's lap.

"Truth or dare Zayn?" Niall says Zayn shakes his head "no, no lap dance this time last time that" Zayn says while smirking at Liam "but I wanna hang with everyone, so truth"

"Who do you love"

Zayn blushes and says "well you know, all of you guys, my family and-"  he mumbles the last the part.

Niall says "what the hell did you just say?"

Zayn says it so fast no one understands "Iloveliam"

"Can you repeat that please?" Harry asks

"No, lets move on" Zayn says spinning the bottle, it lands on Harry

"Truth or dare"

"Dare," harry says

Everybody gasps and louis whispers to harry "bad idea sun"

"Sit on Louis lap till the end of the game"

"Ok easy" Harry says, He moves to sit on Louis lap, getting comfortable, automatically Louis puts his arms around Harry.

Harry spins the bottle which lands on Niall.

"Truth or dare" Harry asks

"Dare" Niall says
"Run around the island till you're next turn"

Niall stands up and says "easy, someone spin for me,"

Zayn spins for Niall and it lands on Liam
"Truth or dare Lima" niall says slightly out of breath

"Dare" Liam says

"Give Zayn a kiss"

Liam pecks Zayn's lips and smiles down at him, Zayn smiles back blushing.

Liam spins the bottle which lands on Louis,

"Truth or dare"


Louis holds Harry waist waiting for Liam's dare, "give Harry a love bite"

Louis looks up at Harry and asks "is that ok?"

Harry nods and says "I'm ok with it if you are to"

Louis nods and turns Harry around so his legs are straddling him

Louis brings his lips to Harry's neck and starts kissing lightly, Harry lets out a whimper no one else can hear but Louis.

Louis starts making a love bite on Harry's neck, biting at the skin, he sucks on it a little, he bites it again and kissed  it softly, he pulls back and starts to blow on it, looking at his work, the purple contrasts from Harry's milky white skin so good.

Harry turns back around and brings his hand to his neck, slightly shocked but ok with it.

Louis spins the bottle and it lands on Harry

"Truth or dare, Haz"


"Let someone of your choice serenade you"

"Ok you, I choose you"

Zayn chuckles and says "that was fast"
Harry blushes and looks down

Louis chuckles and starts to choose a song

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