The Scars That You Cant Always See

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Ch 5. (Friday)

*Trigger warning*
Cutting kinda idk if it classifies as that but im gonna leave it like that bc it started w that

They get back to Zayn's and Harry says "can I take a shower?"
Zayn nods his head and tells Louis to show him where it is

They are walking up the stairs when Louis asks Harry "are you ok you seem kinda upset?"

"I'm fine" harry says but his voice betrays him and Louis says "no your not what's wrong?"

harry starts sobbing. They're in the bathroom and Louis locks the door hugging Harry "hey its ok luv what's wrong?" He's rubbing circles and shapes on Harry's back.

Harry is having a panic attack and Louis doesn't realize, not yet.

He's gasping for air, and he sits down head against the locked door. Louis realizes what's happening he grabs Harry's hand and starts talking to him soothingly and says

"Luv I need you to focus on my hands and the patterns they are going in can you do that for me?"

Harry nods his head tears falling down his cheeks while he gasps for air

Louis starts making a triangle and harry is focusing hard, while breathing fast and says "tr-triangle"

Louis moves to a circle and Harry's breathing is getting to be more even, but still not back "circle "

"One more ok luv?" Louis says

Harry nods his head and Louis does a heart shape Harry smiles and says "heart" his breathing back to normal he's still crying but not uncontrollably.

A/N i highly recommend playing the songs for this chapter bc it kinda just adds to the mood and stuff, love you!!!!!

☆ play 'unsaid emily' julie and the phantoms

Louis smiles and says "what's happened luv?"

Harry takes a deep breath and says
"Well... its my mom, I moved here with my aunt when my mom got shot and she um.. she almost.. died she got shot right in front of me and I-I couldn't do anything she... she was bleeding and-"

Louis is shocked to hear this but continues listening

he starts crying hard again "-when the paramedics got there she had already lost a lot of blood"

"She was carried out by a gurnee, the police were there looking for the shooter"

He takes a deep breath trying to calm down but failed
"They almost caught him so... he shot her again before the cops got him in custody, right in the side of her stomach"

Harry seems to remember it vividly, not like anyone can forget that though.

"The call I kept getting during lunch well that was... that was the hospital saying she's not doing great..."

he whimpers at the memory, Louis pulls him closer to his chest.

Harry continues what he was saying "she really did loose a lot of blood, not only that she got shot in the ribs so lots of broken bones, and internal bleeding happened. dammit I miss her, and we had a argument right before i feel like its my fault she's unhappy. Lou I miss her I love her."

He's rocking back and fourth trying to feel held and loved "shh hey I know baby i know" louis says comforting harry. "I can't louis I can't do it anymore please, stop the pain make it go away" he's crying and Louis feels the tears pooling in his eyes

Louis wants to help but he doesn't know how he's petting Harry's head giving his head kisses every few minutes

He grabs Harry's face and says "what do you need sunshine"

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