Best mates

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Ch 2 Best Mates

The bell rings and school is over. Louis and Harry have, 7 classes together and the last one is together, they have gone to school for about a month now so they walk out and Louis says "So we usually go to Zayn's after school so let me text him and ask him if you can join, I'm sure he'll say yes." Harry nods. Harry hasn't been over yet and neither has Louis. He's been hanging out with Harry all this time.

(A/N -they have been friends 4 abt a month and a week at this point lol,They hang out at the other boys house except Harry's house- Enjoy!)

Louis calls Zayn. 'Hey wassup mate?' Zayn says as he answers the call. "I was just wondering? Can Haz join us at your house?" Harry smiles at the nickname 'Who's Haz?' Louis chuckles and says "Its Harry. His new nickname is Haz... Or Hazza, Haz bear, sweet cheeks, Hazzy, I can name more but that could take all day." Zayn teases Louis 'Oh so we've moved on to nicknames?' Louis blushes and says "If you don't shoot the fook up I'm gonna Muhder you" heavy with doncaster accent.

Harry chuckles at the comment. Louis smiles at Harry.

Zayn laughs he hears Niall cackle through the phone and says 'Of course he can come. What kind of question is that? He's our mate to y'know.' Louis chuckles and nods to Harry. At this point they're in the car. They buckle up and start the car. "K bye Zayn see you in a bit"
'Bye mate'.

Louis turns his music up to a appropriate level, a level where you can hear the person talk while the music played softly. Harry sets his hand on the middle console and Louis sets his hand right on top of his. He didn't realize Harry had it there. So they ended up with Harry's hand on the bottom and Louis on the top. Harry looked up at Louis but didn't move his hand. Louis looked to him and back at the road.

"Is- do you want me to move my hand?" Louis asks him. Harry shakes his head almost immediately "No ts'ok" he laces his fingers with Louis hand and Louis gets this fluttery feeling in his stomach. He never felt it before its like someone is tickling his insides, like there a butterfly, its not like a sick feeling, in fact it feels quite good. Louis smiles to himself. Dumb butterflies, go away your making him blush.

On the way to Zayn's the song ' Just the way you are' (☆ play that song, if u want its a option) comes on Harry turns to Louis sticks his free hand toward him and points he sings the lyrics 'when I see your face, there's not a thing I would change!' Harry voice is amazing like a angel, it the best he has ever heard Louis chuckles turns it up a little and sings the next part towards Harry 'cause your amazing! Just the way you are!'

They finish the song together and Louis looks at Harry back to the road "Harry your voice is amazing" Harry looks down a little embarrassed and says with a blush "thank you. Yours to." He playing with his sweater sleeve. Louis thinks its super super cute.

Louis chuckles and says "yeh well tell that to my sistah will yah, she says I sound like a dying cat."

Harry starts laughing a little at that comment him still being shy from the singing comment, and Louis is mesmerized (yet again) it sounds like bells chiming, a harmony its just perfect. Louis snaps out of it and starts laughing to.

Louis thinks for a second "Oh my god, Harry you know, you've never even seen my family!" Harry looks like he's thinking for a second. "Oh... Yeah your right."

"How is that even possible you've been to me house like 20 times now!" Harry shrugs his shoulders and yawns

Louis looks at Harry and back at the rode "Well next time its just me and you we can meet at my house and I can let you meet ALL my sisters and me mum "

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