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He slowly goes down and they're lips brush and as soon as they do the door flys open

Harry and Louis immediately look up Louis helping Harry cover up.

They see that its Zayn and Liam making out, and its getting spicy

Liam's hand is in Zayn's pants, touching his ass. They pull apart and just as Liam's about to throw Zayn onto the bed they see that Harry is half naked, full of love bites, he had the blanket covering his lower half, but anyone can see he has a boner, and Louis is fully clothed but you can so clearly see he was the one to do it his lips are all puffy from kissing Harry's... almost everywhere, and he has a big tent in his pants.

Zayn looks at Liam (who is still holding him)
And says "so... I think this room is taken"

Liam nods his head and says "I think so, let's go"

Harry shakes his head "its ok" harry says drunkenly, they both sobered a little, but not enough, Liam and Zayn turn back to eachother and start kissing again

Harry stand up and grabs his dress, pulling it over his shoulders he looks at Louis and says "can you zip me?"

Louis get up and slowly walks over to Harry to help. He grabs the zipper that's close to
Harry's bum, Louis grabs the zip 'accidentally' touching Harry's perky bum

Harry bites his lip, holding back a moan, Louis zips it back up, and his hands go to Harry love handles, 

"I think we should all home" Louis says drunkenly Liam and Zayn pull apart and Zayn says something under his breath that only Liam can hear and Liam nods his head "Ok, lets go find Niall"

Everyone leaves, Liam sticking with Zayn, and Harry, with Louis.

"I need find Taylor, she's ride" harry says completely out of it

"No, I'm your ride" Louis winks at Harry

Harry blushes and looks down

"I need to say bye" harry says drunkenly

"Fine, hurry"  louis says downing some beer

Harry runs off clumsily almost falling, from how dizzy he is.

Louis chuckles and get another thing of beer, and waits for Harry

He see's Harry rushing towards him and, harry fall's completely onto Louis, Louis holds him up, but he's pretty drunk too so it's hard, they both fall over and look at eachother. They both start dying laughing.

At what? Who knows but they do.

They see Niall, Liam, and Zayn and help each other up, they get to the car and Liam is driving, since he's the most sober.

They all start drunkenly singing different songs all they're voices clashing together and Liam looks like he's  about to cry from all the noise

"Please shut up,  your being a pain in the arse, you all are gonna regret drinking by tomorrow "

Zayn says laughing "no sir I won't, also you wont have a pain in the arse I will have a pain in my arse" he points at Liam

Everyone starts Dying laughing and Liam is blushing furiously

Louis looks to Harry and sees he has his iconic laugh face, its adorable, so Louis brings his hand to Harry's cheek, and caresses it softly.

Harry giggles and puts his head on Louis' shoulder

They get to Zayn's house, all of them stumbling in, and Harry says "lets watch the notebook"

They all agree and Zayn searches for it in his DVD shelf. Niall is passed out snoring on the couch, Louis and Harry are laughing at nothing, and Liam is grabbing a blanket for Niall.

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