Beachwood cafè

22 3 0

Ch 4



☆ Play 'your power' billie eilish
(meant for trigger warning part)

*(Hurtful language)*

Harry walks into his aunts house quietly, he doesn't want to wake her knowing the consequences of doing so, but his aunt is already in the living room looking at him.

She stands up and unplugs the recliners cord. "Im sorry please!" Harry says, his aunt hits him with the cord "Well if you weren't actually worthless this wouldn't be happening!" Harry's crying now and trying to grab his phone, his aunt swipes it out of his hand "who are you gonna call?" She hits him again "No one cares about you enough so try and save you, your lucky I haven't beaten you to death!" Harry is crying tears running down his face "please I'm sorry!"

"You are disgusting, and fat, Plus your a fag and no one likes fags"

Harry tries to grab the cord from her hand but he can't seem to reach it. She drops the cord, and grabs Harry by the ear she keeps screaming curse words at him but he can't hear he is balling his eyes out. Harry is shaking.

He falls back onto the floor he backs into the door. "Please I'm sorry" Harry says through a sob

"Yeah well sorry doesn't cut it", she grabs his curls and bangs his head into the wall.

He feels like he's gonna pass out

His aunt slaps him across the face and continues calling him foul words. He stands up through the pain and starts running to his room his aunt hot on his trail

He gets to his room in just enough time and locks the door. He can hear his aunt go get the key and unlocks it. Harry goes to hide in his closet. His aunt just entered the room and says

"Where are you, you little Fag!?"

She goes to check under his bead then he hears her come closer to the closet. she opens it and she raises her hand to him him again. Just as she's about to...

He opens his eyes.

*end of trigger warning

he wakes up its dark and he feels someone hugging him and playing with his hair Louis is holding his face "Harry its ok love calm down, it was just a dream" he's shushing him and harry is starting to calm down.

"Haz what happened?" Harry looks at louis "I- nothing just a bad dream" he subconsciously touches a bruise on his shoulder. Louis says "ok, if you ever wanna talk about it then go ahead" Harry thinks about it for a second
"I'll tell you when I'm 100% sure, lets just- can we go back to sleep?" Harry notices that its 2:28 A.M. Louis drops his hand off Harry's shoulder and says "of course"

They lay down back to back and Harry nervously asks"Lou can you umm- can you cuddle me" Louis flips around and cuddles him. Harry melts into him he loves being the small spoon "goodnight love" louis says playing with Harry's hair. Harry feels safe around Louis and happy, he feels like he is his escape from reality. Like he is his own wonder land to run off to, Soon enough they drift back to sleep.

Louis wakes up to absolute chaos, there is flour being thrown across the room. Liam is yelling at everyone to stop, Harry is Tickling Louis now that he's awake.
Zayn, and Niall are wrestling and throwing flour at each other. Louis is trying to push Harry off him but he's struggling, considering Harry's a lot bigger then him

Once he gets Harry off him, he stands up and says "GUYS!" Everyone stop and looks at him "what happened?" Everyone starts talking at the same time and Louis says "One at a time!" Louis looks at Harry "well we wanted to make pancakes but then Niall started arguing with Zayn about chocolate chips." Harry explained

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