Truth or Dare

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Ch 3

Once they were inside and changed they met Liam, Zayn, and Niall in the living room. Niall looked up at them and smirked "so you guys up to a game of truth or dare?" Harry nods his head yes and Louis says "sure why not" they all sit in a circle harry on louis right and Niall on his to Niall is Zayn and next to Zayn is Liam.

"Ok so who's first?" Zayn asks. No one volunteers so Louis says "I guess me then" he looks at them waiting Harry smirks and says "Louis truth or dare?" Louis thinks about it for a second "hmmm truth cause im comfy right now" Harry smirks like that's what he wanted. Louis knows he fucked up by that smile. Harry says "Ill start off easier ok " Louis rolls his eyes and says "bring it on"

"Ok I'm still gonna go easy first, so who is that last person you kissed?"

Louis looked down and says "erm.. well i-its like.. uhhhh" Zayn,Liam and Niall are all laughing so hard cause they know the answer to that question Niall says through his laugh "Person or thing!" That makes the others laugh harder. Louis is blushing hard and mumbles "no one." Harry says "I didn't hear you lou" louis is getting embarrassed and Yells "It was me god damn stuffed animal ok" Harry chuckles but them stops himself. "Louis there is nothing wrong with that" that makes the boys cackle more Zayn yells out "He showed us how he kissed the damn thing!" Harry laughs but then claps a hand over his mouth

"ill get you back harold if its the last thing I do" Louis says, Harry puts his hands up in defense "Hey how was I supposed to know you made out with your stuffed animal. Wait why do you even have stuffed animals still?"

"THATS WHAT I SAID!" Liam yells laughing. Louis try's to defend himself "I like to keep my happy memories! Can we please just move on!" Harry is trying to calm the boys down and once they so they move on "ok so Niall next Louis you ask" Zayn says "ok Niall truth or dare"

"dare" niall says with a smug look on his face "ok I dare you tomorrow when people says you last name and first name you bok like a chicken" Niall nods his head "not bad Tomlinson not bad." Louis smiles proudly of himself "ok next its me" says Zayn. Niall looks at Zayn and says "truth or dare" zayn immediately answer's "truth" Nialls dares are nasty. Last time Louis ended up having a date that he hated.

Niall nods his head and says "if you were to ship any of us who would you ship" Zayn looks at Louis and Harry and says "that's so easy Harry and lou" Harry looks down and smiles and Louis is blushing "I think we can all agree on that" Niall says fonding over them "I love my Larents" they all look at Niall confused louis is the first to say something "What in the bloody hell is a Larent?"

"Its you and Harry, your ship name is Larry and your my Larents" Niall says it like its the most obvious thing on earth.

Harry is just as confused as Louis but they continue on with their game

Its Liam's turn to go and Zayn asks
"Truth or dare" Liam thinks about it for a second and says "dare" everyone is shocked (except Harry) because Liam always chooses truth but Zayn still says something "lick a dirty spoon" Liam looks like he is gonna puke but does it anyway

Its Zayns turn and Louis says "truth or dare" Zayn chooses dare and Louis says "I dare you to give Liam a kiss" Zayn is blushing extremely hard, but looks at Liam for approval. Liam nods his head while being a bright shade of pink. Zayn moves closer to Liam, and he looks at Liams lips then to his eyes then his lips again, Zayn bites his lip and closes that gap.

'truth or dare' Tyla (lmao)

It starts slow but then Zayns hand comes behind his head and deepens the kiss, thier lips gliding perfectly together, Liam groans, Zayn grabs Liams hips and pulls him onto his lap. Louis clears his throat, but Liam and Zayn don't hear him and Liam rolls his hips and Zayn groans in his mouth, Louis clears his throat louder and they pull apart.

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