Save me tonight

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Louis pulls into a random parking lot and turns to Harry "Haz... what was that?"

Harry just looks at Louis, "I-I, It was my aunt, the one I live with, she um.. she hurts me Lou, a lot most days I get beat when she's there " he cry's a little

Louis unbuckles his seat and gives Harry a hug "its ok sun, I'll protect you, you can stay at my house tonight, ok ill see if my mum can let you stay for a while, I'm sure she won't mind"

Harry shakes his head "its alright lou I dont wanna intrude in your home"

"Sun, you of all people, can't intrude in my life" because you are my life he thinks

Harry smiles at this and snuggles into Louis "your the best Boo"

Louis blushes and says "I would do anything for you, sun"

Louis buckles back into his seat and holds Harry's hand as they drive to Louis' house, the only thing they hear is the quiet music  between them
They get to Louis' house and they get bombarded with noise and Harry slightly confused their is like 10 girls in this house

"This is my sister lottie, fizzy, daisy and phoebe (which they are twins) and, mum" Louis says  (RIP FIZZY AND JAY❤)

"Hello!" Harry waves at all of them

"Hi!" The girls say in unison

Phoebe and daisy seem to be the youngest out of all or them around 6 or 5 maybe even 7

Fizzy seems around 11 and lottie 12, they look near the same

Pheobe comes up to Harry  "Hello, I'm Pheobe! You have very pretty hair!" She says very shy

"Why thank you, you have very pretty eyes!" Harry says with a smile, crouching down to her level

They all run up to Harry and hug him, at first Harry tenses up but, after a couple of seconds he hugs all of them back.

Louis turns to Jay and asks
"Mum, is it ok if my friend stays here tonight?" the word friend not feeling right

Harry doesn't like the word friend directed to him from Louis
"I don't know boo bear,  its a school night"

"Please mum..." he looks at Harry (who is playing with all of the girls) to ask if they can all talk. Harry nods his head and gets up to walk to them

"Miss Tomlinson-" harry says
"Please, call me Jay" Jay smiles at hin

Harry smiles at he and says "Jay you have raised the sweetest most kind son, and I told him I can just stay home but he did not allow me to,-" he turns to Louis "-im ordering a taxi, thank you for trying love"

"No, Haz you can't go back to that place!" Louis screeches

Jay gives her son a odd look and says "can you explain what's going on"

Harry looks at Louis with scared eyes and mouths 'I'm not ready'

Louis looks at Harry and says "it's ok luv, I won't tell her everything just stuff she needs to know"

Harry looks at Jay and back to Louis "can I come with you guys?"

Louis nods "well duh, we weren't just gonna leave you" Harry shakes his head, with a smile,  Louis pulls him and his mum to the family room, "mum, this is my best friend, he moved here about 2 months ago, he needs a place to stay for a little bit because his house is not at very good spot right now"

Harry looks at Louis and whispers "that was literally the most perfect way of saying it without saying it" Louis smiles at Harry and sets his hand on his thigh

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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