Chapter 1: The monster I have become

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Welcome to part two✨

Alessandro's POV

Each punch on that bag holds a hidden anger, a rage I have locked inside for so long, impossible to shake, even after all the crimes and suffering I have caused and the bodies I have plied.

Nothing seems to release it.

The sound of my fists thudding against the sack fills the empty room, loud and menacing, and I cannot help but feel sorry for it.

It takes all the rage, heartache, and pain that gnaw at me.

They consume me like nothing else, gnawing at my soul like bloodthirsty monsters.

Each blow the punching sack endures propels it forward, threatening to tear it apart. Every punch carries emotions, all of them, each bit of torment that I will have to live with, unable to escape the agony.

The hours I have spent here start to show as blood drips from my throbbing fists due to the impact, but it does not even faze me. The worst has already made me bleed from my heart.

My soul was torn out, my body drained and shattered. I never imagined the one who healed me would hurt me again.

I am at my lowest, a cruel shadow of myself. Now my father must be proud; I am his mirror image, a gift for being worse than he made me.

I am the monster the world fears. I always held that power, but now, it is even worse the world hides from me.

I have become the dreadful Blood King gone mad.

In recent months, that is how I am known for my terrible and heartless deeds.

Sweat drips from my body as I keep punching with all my might, huffing and growling as my mind replays the events that shaped me into who I am today.

"He is inside. I do not think he wants visitors or whoever you brought this time... I do not know what to do, Ares. He is not the same person; he has become the Alessandro we feared. He has gone mad, hardly ever at home, and when he is not, he is out there killing. You need to do something; he cannot stay like this forever."

I hiss when I overhear my sister talking to Ares outside the room. All I want is for them to leave me the fuck alone and let me be.

My business should be my concern, not theirs.

"How long has he been in there?"

"Hours, Ares, hours. Even though I do not want him there, I would rather have him here than out there killing someone or our mother."

What the fuck? My mother.

I stop punching the bag, wiping my nose in frustration and anger.

"Where is she?"

"Locked inside the dungeon. He has not seen her in months."

After a few moments, the gym door bursts open, causing me to turn and shoot them a cold look as the blood drips from my fists onto the floor.

Ares strides in, dragging a man bound with a rope beside him, and Giana follows behind.

Her eyes lock onto my battered fists, and she shakes her head in disappointment.

"You have got to stop this, Alessandro," she says, concern evident in her voice, and I turn away from her, hating what I am putting her through, but I cannot control myself.

Ever since that day, I have changed. I am no longer the Alessandro I once was when I was in love. That person is gone, replaced by the monstrous Blood King, and all that is left is the agony.

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