Chapter 6: Investigation

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Adrienne's POV

Chugging the last of my water and sucking the empty container for more because I'm still really thirsty, I realize there's nothing left in the water bottle. So, I angrily toss it and the empty sandwich wrap at him, growling because my stomach is still hungry.

"Be thankful. I'm only giving you food because I'm not ready to kill you. This is to keep you alive until I'm ready. My angel, you have to suffer first." He says these cruel words, but I don't pay attention to him.

I'm too focused on the obnoxious feeling taking over me as my stomach makes loud noises, telling me it's still hungry.

My hands slowly reach the hard ground to support me as I lean over and throw up onto the ground, making a massive mess on other of my messes.

I retch as the third wave of nausea hits me, groaning at the awful sensation overwhelming me, along with my pounding head and aching stomach.

My condition worries me, especially for my baby's well-being. If I'm not doing well, my baby can't be either.

I turn to look back at my father, finding him scrutinizing me as if he's trying to understand something. Or he already has.

"If you're going to feed me, do it more often so I won't feel sick," I whisper weakly, rolling my eyes in annoyance, but I feel dizzy afterward.

His gaze confuses me; it's like he's figured something out. He finally speaks, "That little bump you have," he whispers to himself, which makes me raise my eyebrows in curiosity. "The frequent vomiting, the puffy face, and always cradling your stomach."

My breath catches as I realize what he means, and I quickly shake my head at him in disagreement, fear rushing through my veins as I distance myself by propelling my body on the ground, not knowing what he would do to me and my baby.

"You're pregnant," he whispers in affirmation as if trying to believe while I let out a heavy breath of fear. "You're pregnant!" He exclaims loudly, clapping his hands together as if he just received the best news ever been told.

My head quickly shakes to deny it, even though he has valid points. "No...I'm not," I try sounding as bold with my words, but I doubt I was. "I-I don't know...what? I am not...pregnant," I can sense the panic taking me over, my body quivering with horror and apprehension.

He scoffs at me. "If that were true, you wouldn't be scared, and your voice wouldn't be shaking," he takes a loud laugh, making me flinch. "You're pregnant," he sounds so happy now, and it scares me so much.

My lips quake as I carry myself to speak, my hand clutching onto my stomach protectively with shaking, pale hands. "Why-why is that a good thing to you?" My dreadful voice asks, my heart thrashing thunderously against my chest in unsteady beats.

"You see..." he crouches down to my eye level, and my heart races even more frantically in my chest while my breathing grows ragged, deep, and heavy. "What will hurt you more than killing you is knowing your unborn child won't have the life you had envisioned for it."

Alessandro's POV

Throwing a shirt over my head and a pair of jeans, I make my way out of my bedroom, closing the door behind me with a heavy sigh.

After grabbing bourbon from the wine cellar, I walk inside my study to see Ares and fucking Rossi sitting on my chairs as if they owned the place.

I growl at the sight of Rossi and raise the bottle to my lips, taking a large sip of my bourbon before I speak after setting it down. "Seeing you have just made my morning utterly worse," I say with a dark snarl, making my way to the desk and sitting down.

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