Chapter 11: Her

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Alessandro's POV

Crashing the door open, my soldiers and I charge inside the demolished building, aiming our guns around and assessing the emptiness. But I know they are here. I can sense it.

"Split up!" Ares orders, and he and I walk towards an opening, maneuvering through broken glass, garbage, and discarded items.

Removing some obstacles with our feet, we move further inside the building, guns at the ready, searching to find her or him.

"This place must have a basement of some sort," I mutter to Ares, and he nods, walking towards another opening and I follow behind, watching our backs and front, aware that we have no idea how many people are here or if Adriana's father is armed.

Not even a second later, when Ares and I walk through another opening, shots start firing, followed by shouts.

Ares and I quickly hide behind a wall, peeking to locate the source of the shots. Seeing that it is clear, we both move towards it, hearing shouts from my soldiers and Adriana's father!

Fuck, I have to find them.

Ares and I find our way towards the shots and shouts, hiding behind a wall before the scene.

We catch a glimpse of him hiding behind a wall with his back to us, firing before him.

I am taking this fucker out, and I will make sure he suffers.

I aim my gun at the side of his neck, watching as he pulls back and forth to fire and take cover from my soldiers.

The next time he pulls forward, my gun fires.

My eyes watch as the bullet flies across the room and slams into the side of his neck, spluttering blood.

The force of the bullet knocks him into the wall, where his hand quickly clutches the wound, and his gun drops to the floor.

"Fucking bastard," I hiss as I start my way over there with Ares. "Hold your fire!" I yell at my soldiers, watching as Marius drops to the floor on his knees before he collapses on his back, his body shaking and his mouth grasping and groaning in pain.

Ares and I stop before his body, watching him stare up at me with wide, watering eyes and trembling, a-gaping lips that blood drools from.

Without a word, I crash my foot into his chest with strength and press into it without an ounce of mercy, witnessing the blood gush from his neck and pools the floor.

My soldiers and Rossi walk over to us with their guns.

"You did a wrongful thing when you took Adriana," my guttural voice hisses with barbarity, hoping that she is safe, and if she is not, I am ripped. "I am not going to kill you yet," I whisper menacingly. "You could bleed out, but not yet. Only when Adriana is safe...I will make your death quick if I am feeling generous. But if she is not, which I hope is not the case, I will make sure you suffer an unimaginable, bloody death that you will want to face death itself, and I will not grant you that offer but let you suffer agonizingly." I point my gun at his leg. "Show me where my girl is."

He keeps staring at me, not saying anything, which is impossible, nor is he giving any action.

I fire the shot without mercy, listening as the cry of pain bursts from his blood-stained lips, blood cascading from his injured leg.

"Everyone split out and find her," I order, watching as they do so.

Giving Marius one last glare while he suffers, I turn away from him, wanting to find the basement or where she is.

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