Chapter 5: Intoxicated

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Alessandro's POV

Three months ago

My car cuts through the late-night darkness, racing to wherever fate decides to abandon me, and I have a feeling it will not be anywhere good, as lately, luck has not been on my side.

I tilt my fifth bottle of bourbon, taking a long swig as I speed past buildings without any intention to halt, even though the alcohol blurs my vision.

Maybe I have a death wish.

After what I have been through, I do because the woman I am madly in love with left me. She fucking left me when she promised to be with me forever.

She left me broken after she fucking healed me!

I ought to set the world ablaze for her, but fear igniting her within my actions, as I am not close to her to protect her within my arms. I ought to raze Rossi's empire for snatching her away, but I cannot inflict harm upon her, especially when it was her choice, and for some damn reason, I respect it.


It is what caused her to LEAVE ME in the first place!


An unexpected laugh escapes my trembling lips as I reflect upon it, realizing the depths of my foolishness to let this happen. To expose this vulnerability when I was raised to see it as a weakness.

People like her were weakness.

It is the first time I have contemplated heeding my father's advice. How ironic?

At least if I had listened to him, maybe I would have been sane, happy- sober!

My car careens into an unexpected U-turn, tires screaming against the asphalt, and it elicits a chuckle from me as I pour bourbon into my mouth, relishing the searing sensation, which prompts a groan, yet I persist in drinking.

The burn helps me divert my attention from her. But I will not deceive myself; it is not working one bit because here I am.

Thinking about her...

The woman that broke me...

She broke me...

I thought we had a future.

We had a future.

I planned it out.


I fucking hate her so damn much, and I fucking hate that I hate her because I do not actually hate her. It is how passionately I am in love with her that I cannot stand.

She is my home.

She is the sunshine of my life.

She is the color of my damn blood. She is fucking all I want to touch, kiss and love. She owns me. I love her so much if I could have her soul, I would.

Adriana is the only one who can set my heart on fire.

I love her just as Earth loves the sunshine and the sky.

Why did she do this to me?

I did not know she was this heartless.

I gave her my all.

We have been through so much to end there.

We have come this far to only end.

An end I never wanted.

All I can think about is her. After she walked out on me a few hours ago, I never stopped drinking the strongest of the strong liquors after crying my heart out so I could forget the hurt, the betrayal, the feeling, and her... it is impossible.

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