Chapter 18: Babygirl

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Adrienne's POV

I am laid on a pristine white bed, every inch of my body tense with pain and hope while beside me, Giana stands like a rock, holding my hand in a firm and reassuring grip.

"You got this, Adrienne," She reassures me but gets a growl from me instead, my hand gripping hers tightly, but she doesn't let the pain bother her.

Other than my sobs and growls of pain, the room echoes with the rhythmic beeping of the fetal heart monitor, its steady cadence a reminder of the life about to enter our world.

Outside, raindrops tap gently against the windowpane as if the heavens themselves are offering words of encouragement for me.

I hope Alessandro is close by and unaffected by the rain because I don't want to go through this without him.

With each contraction, my face contorts in a mask of pain, squeezing Giana's hand with all my might, knuckles turning white.

Nurse Emily moves gracefully around the room, preparing to deliver my baby girl.

"I-I am going..." I pant heavily, turning to look at Giana, who offers a comforting smile. "Be a mom-mom, nrrrrgh!" I groan, throwing my head back as the pain ripples through me. "IT HURTS!" I growl deeply, gripping Giana's hand firmly, eliciting a little moan from her.

"Deep breaths, Adrienne," Emily instructs gently, her voice a lifeline in the storm. "You're doing great. Just a little while longer."

FUCK THAT! This baby needs to come now!

As much as I want Alessandro to be here, I can't but want to rip this baby from out of me!

The pain is killing me.

"Deep breaths. It is going to be over soon-" Giana is cut off when the doors burst open, and a deep sigh of relief burst from my lips when Alessandro and Ares run inside the room, even though I came into labor almost an hour ago!

"What the fuck took you so long!" I hiss, gritting my teeth and panting heavily, before sliding my teary eyes shut, yearning for this to be over soon.

"I am here now, princess," he quickly mutters, gripping my other hand, and I immediately clasp it, growling. "I am here now, we are going to get through this...just breathe-"

"WHAT DO YOU THINK I AM DOING!" I snap, opening my eyes to glare at my love. He shoots me a smile, though he looks scared out of his mind, his hair wet from the rain. "You did this to me...." I whisper with pouting lips, taking a deep breath before shutting my eyes again.

"I am sorry, my love," he mumbles, kissing my hand, and I nod through gritted teeth, sweat glistening on my forehead as I push through the searing pain, my heart set on meeting our child. "If only I could take away your pain."

Hours passed like a blur, the room seeming to hold its breath with us.

Alessandro whispered words of encouragement, his voice unwavering despite the tears that welled in his eyes, a mixture of anxiety and happiness.

As the contractions reach their zenith, I push with determination, my face etched with fierce resolve, Dr. Emily's voice calm and reassuring, guiding me through each breath and every push.

"Okay, okay, one more," Emily utters to me, and I prepare myself. "One more big push. Give it all you got."


In a crescendo of effort and emotion, I give one final, powerful push. "AGHHHHH!"

When the baby pops out, I collapse against the bed, trying to catch my breath as I release Alessandro and Giana's hands.

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