panic attack

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Chandler's P.O.V

I could hear my heartbeat pumping through my ears, faster and faster. I heard very faint mumbles around me from the doctors.

I held her hand as we rushed into the emergency room. She had a mask on her face, providing oxygen for my girl. My beatiful babe.

Tears burned my face as they trickled down, one by one.

Her eyes fluttered open every few seconds, giving me hope and hopefully assuring her that I was there for her.

I came to my senses when i was pushed back by a nurse saying I had to stay in the waiting room.


It was no hope. She called security to keep me there.

"You cannot enter the emergeny room if you're not family." She calmy said.

I started crying, throwing my head to the side. I had given up. No use. I love her. I tried. But i will be here when she wakes up.

Katie's P.O.V

Chandler ran towards me with the oxygen tank. I heard him mumble my name. He became fuzzy then everything went black.

I slowly opened my eyes and saw him above me along with a few doctors. He was crying.

My eyes shut again.

I few seconds later they opened again only to discover my eyes were to heavy. They shut again.

About the seventh time this happened, i looked up and one person was missing from the group. It was Chandler. Where'd he go?

I had no interest to open my eyes any more. I closed them and kept them shut.

I opened my eyes. A bright light filled the room, hurting my pounding head.

Not 10 seconds went by and my hand was tightly grasped.

The hands were soft and warm, but the grip felt almost scared and weak.

I turned my head and saw Chandler. His eyes were puffy and he looked tired and worn.

I haven't seen him like this in a long time or maybe even ever. The sight of chandler made me forget why I was there for a minute.

Mom. She's gone. That's it. She's gone and there's nothing I can do about it.

I don't know what to do. She was my best friend. She's been with me forever, always on my side.

"Katie? Katie,can you hear me?" Chandler said weakly.

 "Yes, I can hear you."

 "listen, I'm sorry about.... well.." I cut him off.

 "Yeah. I know."

 Moments later a doctor walked into the room with a small smile on his face. He had a clipboard in his hand and looked down at it.

 "Nice to see that your awake, Katie. You were out for two hours."

 "What happened to her?" Chandler asked.

 "Oh no worries. It was just a small panic attack. You did the right thing by putting that oxygen mask on her. Her breathing was unstable. She'll be fine though. Nothing deadly." He smiled gently.

 He told us that I would be able to go home in a couple hours or whenever I felt up to it. I felt a little dizzy so I decided to wait a half hour.  This gave me enough time to think about the worst but truest question. Where was home?

Chandler could tell something was wrong. Probably because I was deep in though.

 "What's wrong babe?" he asked.

 "where am I going to go? I don't have anymore relatives and I have no idea where my jerk of a father is. I don't have a home. I can't pay the bills. I'm not even old enough to live on my own," I started to cry, " so what do I do. stay with you until they tell me I need to go to an orphanage and I can't be adopted by someone who's child I in a relationship with me. I can't leave you. I can't. If I go with Ella I may never see you again. What am I gonna do Chandler? What do I do?" I started to yell.

 Chandler knew I was panicking and got up to hold me. He sat on the bed and wrapped his arm around me putting his head on top of my head. He slowly whispered calming things and hushed me. he rubbed my back as I snuggled my face into his shoulder. He whispered one more thing.

 "Don't worry, baby. We'll figure this out."

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