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I started going to school about a week ago and just my luck, Ashton goes there too. I've kept my distance. Your probably wondering what he did so I guess I'll tell you.



"Katie, Ben is having a party tonight. Will you come with me?"

"Ashton I'm twelve so if there's drinking at this party than I can't go"

"I know and there won't be I'm only thirteen remember?"

"Ok I'll go"


At the party....

"I'm gonna go get some punch ok Katie?"

"Yeah I'll wait here"


An hour later

"Katie how bout we go to the bathroom and dance a little"

"Ashton your drunk. I'm leaving."

"Oh no your not!"

He grabbed my arm.

"Ashton let go!!!"



He pulled me in and grabbed my behind. I kneed him in the crotch and ran out of the house crying. I began to walk home in the rain.

End of flashback


That's why I'm scared to be around him. He was stupid and I never wanted to see him again. I found out a week later that he got into some bad stuff and his parents were bringing him to a troubled boys centre in Georgia. I thought he was gone for good but now I go to the same school as him.

I hate everything in my life accept for Ella, my mom and Max.

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