Telling Ella

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The next day I woke up and got dressed in a teal tank with a plaid shirt and a pair of jogging pants with camp kiss'n'tell N.York wrote on the leg. I went downstairs, grabbed a piece of toast a texted Ella.





I walked out the door and hoped on my bike. I hadn't told Ella about Chandler yet so I was super excited to spill the news.

When I got to Ella's house, I just exploded and told her about everything. I told her about how we met and about all of the meetings and how I think he might like me. Well...and how I thought I might like him. she just sat there looking at me. "So what do you think?" I asked.

"I approve"

"What do you mean you approve"

"I mean I approve him and think you should go out with him"

"Oh" I said blushing and giggling.

I ate at Ella's for dinner and we hung out for a bit then she asked if I could stay for supper and of coarse, as always, I was aloud. We finished eating at 6:00 and then she started to panic. "OMG!OMG!OMG! What are you going to wear." I told her that I planed on wearing what I was wearing and like always she didn't keep on me about it. (You know I think that one of my favourite things about Ella)

By the time Ella was done having her panic attack, it was 7:00 and I had an hour to leave and get to the field. I gathered up my stuff like my phone, bag and my bottle of water.(I bring one with me everywhere)I went downstairs and got on my shoes which take like five minutes to lace up and left.

I checked the time on my phone. it showed 7:50. I sped up. Before I knew it, I was at the field and chandler was already sitting in the grass with a picnic basket. I walked over to him and sat down.

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