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No one knows how the virus spread, but Cecilia knew one thing, she had to protect her sister and niece. She sighed as she wished she had something to do. The Dixons were gone. Jax and Daryl are hunting while Merle went into the city. Cecilia knew one thing since she met them. She found herself attracted to Jaxson. They are the same age in the group and may have a similar past.



"You're in thought."

She sighed as she looked at her big sister. "How did the world get so....bad?"

"Don't know, but we will eventually."

Cecilia nodded as she thought back to how the world was before. Ed became more abusive towards them causing Cecilia to wish the man would finally die. She heard an alarm and looked to see a nice red car. Carol walked over to her as they waited for the car to stop. When the person reached them, the group noticed Glenn.

"Why do I have a feeling that they did something that will piss off the Dixons?"

"Merle was left behind." Glenn tells her.

"And there goes my entertainment."
Sometime that night, Cecilia went for a walk. She didn't want to be near Ed. Jax saw her and shook his head wondering why she was out there by herself. Daryl saw the girl and glared. "Is she that dumb?" Daryl says. "Why the hell is she out here by herself at night?"

"To get away from Ed." He tells his brother. "She does anything to get far away from her brother in law."

Daryl looked at the girl. "You care for her."

Jaxson looked at him. "Shut the hell up."

Daryl laughed as he watched his little brother continue his hunt. He didn't care if Jax had feeling for the spitfire because Merle saved her from a nightmare. Ed came close one day in raping Cecilia while she laid unconscious and Merle happened to see it. "You know why Merle became friends with her?"

"Because she's a spitfire."

"Because he's protecting her."

Jax looked at his brother as Daryl told him what Merle wouldn't tell him. Looking back to see Cecilia looking up at the sky had him wanting to kill Ed for the abuse and attempted rape. "She is to stay the hell away from him."

"Trust me. She is."
The next day, Cecilia woke up in her tent, but the arguing was coming from in front of her tent. She poked her head out to see Jax's back side to her as he argued with Rick. "So, why did you think cuffing him would be a good idea?"

Rick looked at Cecilia. "Because he was attracting the walkers."

"That's Merle for you, but did you not once think the crazy asshole had an idea." She tells him. "Because of you and the others, Jax and Daryl have to go back to see if their brother is still alive."

Jax looked at her as she went back in her tent. "We're going back and you will come with us."

Cecilia poked her head back out. "Can I go?'

Jax gave her a look that told her no. Giving him the finger, she went back in her tent to get dressed for the day and do her part. Look for berries or some sort of food. Daryl looked at his brother as he knew what Jax was doing, but he also knew, he was trying to avoid his feelings. "Man, you're an idiot."

"Shut up."
Sometime that day, Cecilia walked back to her tent to see Carol beside Ed causing her to roll her eyes. "Cecilia!'

"Nope. I don't want anything to do with you besides my sister and niece." She replies. "But my sister is so gullible that she stays with you and endures the abuse." Cecilia looked at her sister and niece. "One day, you will be free. Who knows?" She looked at Ed as she saw the black eye. "That day may be today."

"Why you little..."

Cecilia pointed a gun at him. "Touch me or my family again, I will fucking kill you right here right now." She tells him.

Ed sat back down causing Cecilia to put the gun away before leaving. Carol was shocked that her own sister did that as Sophia, she was happy that her aunt was healing.
Night came and the boys weren't back yet. Cecilia had her a small fire as she wasn't going near the rest as she wanted to be left alone. She loves the group, but right now, she just felt off and knew she had to figure out what was bothering her. Hearing growling, Cecilia stood up to see walkers. "Shit."

She grabbed the first thing that was by her hand. Her knife. She started swinging at them as she tried to make her way to her sister. She felt something grab her causing her to swing, but the knife got stuck in the walkers head causing her to scream as she started fighting hoping she doesn't get bit.

Just her screaming had Jax shooting and running to her. He shot the last walker and grabbed her. "Was you bit?"

"No." She tells him. "I kept fighting without anything on me."

Jax pulled her into a hug as she started crying. Carol saw Jax holding her sister meaning she  was alright.

The sounds of Andrea crying had Cecilia looking. Amy was gone along with the others they lost.

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