The scars they left. pt1

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He parked the bike smoothly in front
of the skyscraper, removing his helmet, combing his chocolate brown hairs with his fingers, he threw the key to the guards.

" Morning, gentlemen " He saluted and walked into the building.

His boots clicking on the black marble floors as the employees shooted him a smile and greeted him. He nods and  greeted them with his dimple smile.

He hurriedly went  to the lift and pressed the 17th floor, leaning against the wall as he get rid of black leather jacket.

The lift opened with a ding  as Irene looked up from her ipad, and the tall male greeted her with a smile, who happens to have a bag in his hand and leather jacket thrown on his shoulder.

" Morning, In" He asked as he slides  the glass door of cabin and walked into the room.

" Morning, Namjoon-shi" She greeted the man.

"But boss is in meeting" She whisper shouted as the man  walk pass  through her  desk and vanished behind the large wooden door.

" Baby" Namjoon says loudly, successfully getting the attention of the man on the couch, claded in grey
Italian suit.

Namjoon put the bag down with the jacket and in next moment he threw himself in the embrace of the man, burying his head into the man's stomach.

" Excuse me, we'll discuss it later " The man says to the group of people sitting opposite of him.

" But Mr. Kim , it's really important " One of them says, but one glare and they all bowed and left the office.

" Tired, love? " He asked as he massaged the scalp with his fingers and Namjoon sighed in delight, nuzzling his face.

" I am never doing a tour again, jinnie" Namjoon whined.

" You said this last time too, monie " Seokjin chuckled.

" This one is final" Namjoon says looking at him.

" Kiss? " Namjoon asked and closed his eyes when seokjin leaned down and pecked his lips and kissed his forehead and Namjoon again wrapped his arms around his husband's waist and buried his face into seokjin's stomach.

Seokjin fisted out his phone from his pocket and pressed the button on the que, the room was engulfed in darkness. Seokjin knew very well, Namjoon needs complete darkness to sleep.

Seokjin smiled gently when he felt the slow rhythm of Namjoon's heart beat, means he was fast asleep. The music tours, clearly took a toll on him. Every day seokjin wonders how he got so lucky to marry this giant man, who was like s child.

Namjoon was  awkward,clumsy, that he can't get through a day without hurting himself, messy and doesn't care about anything or anyone. Namjoon prefers to live in  his small world and after that he couldn't care, if everything was on fire and in ashes. And seokjin, after their marriage become the center of his world, Namjoon's words, not his.

" Mhmm" A whimper caught his attention and seokjin was back to undoing the knots and combing the dark hair with his fingers. Guess, he has to cancel all the schedule of today.

It's been five years since they got married. Their marriage was the token of trust between their fathers.
And seokjin was a obedient child, who could never say no to his father,
" More like a puppet"   His inner voice chided at him. Seokjin was the one who was bathed in blood and filth so that his father can be claded in glory and power. He was a killer, murder  any name you called it. But doesn't know how and when God decided to show mercy on him and sent him an angel, Namjoon.

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