3: 'Your life'

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"I'm not playing a game with Jake anymore," Jay murmured, holding his head in his hand while he and Sunghoon walked down the hall to get to their own dorms after leaving Jake's place. Buzzed, the feeling that came after Jay took his sixth inhale which he knew he shouldn't have; his body wasn't used to that level of intake.

"Maybe you shouldn't have agreed in the first place," Sunghoon said, striding with his arms folded over his chest pompously.

"You agreed, too," Jay mentioned, making clear Sunghoon's hypocrisy. How could Sunghoon tell him not to if he agreed to.

Sunghoon scolded, "But the difference is that I didn't vape. I'm all clear. You and Jake decided to and look where that got you."

Jay's only primitive response was to shrug his shoulders, agreeing but at the same time, not accepting the fact that Sunghoon had a fair point. His head was a bit buzzed, a bit heady, and perhaps because of bad choices, but what was done was done.

Jake was fine, taking two sips throughout the entire game and spilling some facts about himself that Jay and Sunghoon really wished he didn't, but to that, they only had themselves to blame for asking the questions in the first place.

"You think I can meet your roommate?" Sunghoon asked Jay, a bit of curiosity in his voice as he thought about the prospect.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Jay murmured, shaking his head in dissent. He was strongly ambivalent towards the idea, because it could either result in Jungwon treating Sunghoon the same annoying way he's treating him, or Jungwon possibly making friends with Sunghoon and further tormenting Jay with the way they were connected by a mutual friend.

"I don't think he's that bad as you make him out to be," Sunghoon responded, sounding a bit accusatory as he spoke to Jay. "Yeah, he did this and that, but I think he may be a genuinely good person to be around."

"You're just looking for a way to disagree with me," Jay scoffed, reading Sunghoon well. He shrugged his shoulders and tilted his head a bit but never quite denied Jay's statement, it was true after all. "Inviting you over now that I have a roommate would seem a bit obnoxious, wouldn't it?"

"It would, but with the intention of me meeting him, it'd cancel it out," Sunghoon answered him, following behind Jay who was progressing up the stairs to reach his and Sunghoon's shared floor.

"Even worse. He said he didn't aim to make friends, I told you that. If I bring you over not only will I seem obnoxious but also I'd be invading his privacy."

"Oh, since when have you become so sensible, huh? Aren't you still under the influence, why are you acting so level-headed and not slurring your words together or giggling like a psycho?" Sunghoon fired back.

"You know, you and he are so snappy I think you'll get along great."

Sunghoon smiled with a look of self-assurance, displaying his pointed white teeth as he chuckled. "Perfect. That means you are letting me in, right? And you'll be the one to introduce me to him?"

Jay groaned; his frustration half fueled by the dull thrum of his head as the consequence from agreeing to Jake's sick game. "You're trying to dig me six feet under before I make it out of college. I'm trying to make the most out of what's being paid, y'know."

"I'd love for you to. The first part, that is," Sunghoon smirked, nothing but entertained by the entire exchange. "Fire with fire, like I said," he began as he reached the top of the stairs just before Jay did to stop the older from walking past him. "If he treats you like that, treat him like that as well. It's the rule of the world."

He pressed his fingertips on Jay's chest when he made an attempt to brush past Sunghoon with only a scoff in response to what he had said. Sunghoon raised his eyebrows and kept his head tilted, clearly expectant of Jay to agree with him or else they'd stay there until Jay does.

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