Chapter 41

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A/N: Finally an update. Sorry for taking so long. Had a lot going on.

Amon POV

This wretched demon. He is lucky I care for him the way I did, or I would have had his head mounted on a pike in the dungeons just for his comment. But honestly, what was I to expect. Marax is known for his loyalty, ability to keep a secret and his deadly honest tongue. A fact that would have been the death of him if it wasn’t for the protection he got from being my manservant.

After his remarks about my tussle with Raven, or lack there of, he had run down the halls and almost made it to the dungeons. Was he expecting Ronove would have protected him from my anger? If that was his line of thoughts he was wrong. The previous King would have slaughtered him without a second thought. Raven was his everything. To make matters worse, when I was chasing Marax, I was only dressed in the shorts I went to bed in. The maids who silently clean the castle without being seen or disrupting the daily affairs of the other demons, saw me in that state of undress.

Growling, I bent the spoon that was in my hand, not even aware that I did it. Slim hands touched mine causing me to look up. Raven smiled as she took the bent spoon from my hand.

“What did that spoon ever do you Ami?”

“It reminded me of Marax.” I joked.

She coughed out a laugh before covering her mouth to dissolve in a heap of laughter. After I had chased Marax through the castle, I returned to Raven who had used the hot water bath that was drawn for me. She was already dressed in a black, strapless corset dress with white and red rhinestones embedded in the bust. The dress was flared out slightly at the hips. She was combing through her hair when I entered the room. She grinned up at me. I had kissed her on the head before I went to get ready for the day ahead.

We were having breakfast in the grand dinning hall. The demon chef had made food which Raven won’t eat. Raw flesh of the beast that roamed the burning forests of Raum. I instead had to tell them to make something more editable for the future queen since she didn’t eat meat. That was the low I told them anyway. Using my free hand, I stroked her cheek. She truly was beautiful. I thank the Kings that I found her and didn’t actually kill her on that day we met. Bending down, she brushed her lips against mine.

Just as I was about to pull her in for a real kiss, someone clearing their throat caused us to pull apart. By the doorway stood the council members with Leraje behind them. I wasn’t due to meet them until another hour. What the fuck do they want? Disturbing my time with Raven.

“Sorry to interrupt your Majesty.” Decarbia said.

“But you are needed in the throne room.” Leyak continued.

“Its time for our meeting.” Endigo added.

This isn’t the time we had agreed on. Something is seriously wrong if they came to get me like this. Standing, I took Raven's hand and made my way towards them only t be stopped.

“Where are you taking her your majesty?” This time it was Aatrox to speak up.

“With me.” I thought that was obvious.

Their facial expressions alone had the desire to rip them apart coursing through me. Some looked appalled at the idea. Others looked disgusted. Leraje looked furious. If they thought for a second that I was leaving her alone with Leraje again they thought wrong.

“She can’t enter the throne room!” Farello protested.

“She isn’t your queen yet!” he was joined by Decarbia.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2023 ⏰

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