06. Still angry!!

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Asha tells Sharad to go and check on Shriya if she is ready... He frowns and goes towards the guest room... The door was open so he knocked the door to ask for permission ...

He stood there rooted seeing her... He looked at her from head to toe... Shriya also saw him and she turned behind quickly...

Sharad: "I am sorry... You wear the saree properly... Mom is waiting for you"...

Shriya: "Mhmm... Sharad... Can you call Aunty to my room?"

Sharad: "Oh... Ok... Shriya... I will tell her"...

Sharad goes away from there quickly and Shriya turns again and tries to drape the pleats properly... Asha knocks and enters inside...

Asha: "Shriya... Sharad told me that you called me... Are you alright?"

Shriya: "Yes... I mean no Aunty... I don't know how to drape a saree properly"...

Asha: "Oh dear... It's alright.  You should have informed me before... Let me help you"...

After 15 minutes, Shriya and Asha come towards the living hall... Sharad's gaze is fixed on Shriya only...

He didn't even realize when Shriya was standing opposite him...Varad clears his throat and Sharad averts his gaze quickly and leaves from there...They all reach the parking area... They all decide to go in one car only...

Varad and Harish sit in the front and the passenger seat... Sharad and next to him Shriya and then Asha... Varad starts driving...

The temple is almost an hour's drive... Shriya feels sleepy so she rests her head in the back... But she is unable to sleep like that and she was going to rest her head on Asha's shoulder...

Asha quickly turns a little far and closes her eyes indicating that she is sleeping... Shriya rests her head on Sharad's shoulder... He looks shocked at first but then supports her head with his hand...

He also falls asleep looking at her...  resting his head near her hair... Asha smiles looking at them... And she quickly clicks their pics...

They reach the temple and Asha wakes them up... Seeing them close they feel awkward avert their eyes and get out of the car...

Asha talks with the priest and the new couple is made to sit for the puja... The puja starts... Sharad and Shriya pray...

Asha: "Harish... Seeing Shriya today draping saree... I remembered her... I wish she was with us now"...

Harish: "She is always with us... In our hearts...  Now, smile and let's pray for our son and daughter-in-law's happiness"...

Asha wipes her tears and all pray... After finishing the puja they return to the car...

Harish: " Hemant called me when you all were in the puja... He called us for lunch and to discuss keeping the reception party... I hope you both don't have a problem with it"...

They both together nod and then Varad drives the car towards Hemant's house... They reach after half an hour... Radha was waiting for them near the door...

Radha stops Sharad and Shriya from entering while the rest family members go inside... Radha brings the aarti plate and does their aarti... Then they are taken inside...

Hemant comes down to see Shriya and he pats her head emotionally... Shriya just touches his feet and takes blessings... Radha hugs Shriya and she doesn't respond to the hug but takes blessings...

Deepak arrives and hugs his sister but this time she responds with a smile...

Shriya: "Deepak... Did Dishan return?"

Deepak: "No di... I called him and he didn't even pick up my calls... He will pick up your call di... Please call him"...

Shriya smiles and they all sit... Radha calls Shriya to come with her and they both go towards the kitchen...

Radha: "Shriya... How are you beta?"

Shriya: "How would I be... Why would you all care... The one who cared went away from this house and doesn't know where he is"...

Radha: "Don't say that... I know Hemant forced you to agree to this marriage...  He did wrong but I trust him... He did it only for your good dear... You will get to know one day... He didn't even tell me the reason but one day we will get to know"... 

Shriya: "I don't want to hear anything, Aunty... Leave that topic as what you all wanted already happened"...

Asha: "What are you both talking about?"

Radha:  "Nothing Asha... Just asking about well-being"...

Asha also helps Radha... Shriya leaves from there and goes outside... Deepak follows her...

Shriya calls Dishan and he doesn't pick up the call...  Dishan calls back...

Shriya: "Hello Dishan... Where are you?"

Dishan: "Di... How are you di?? I am sorry di... I failed to convince Dad to stop this marriage"... 

Shriya: "It's not your fault... Where are you now?"

Dishan: "In Mumbai di... At my friend's house... Are you fine di?"

Deepak: "Bro... Please come back... Dad and Maa are not fine since you went".

Dishan: "Di... You are at that house? Good. You have forgiven them but I will not"...

Shriya: "I have not forgiven anything... It's just I don't want Sharad's family to think wrong of uncle"...

Radha gets shocked listening to their conversation... But she controls herself and goes near them and calls them for lunch and goes inside...

Shriya and Deepak stand rooted...  They don't know whether Radha heard their talks with Dishan... If she heard she would be very hurt...


Any guesses about the girl... that Harish and Asha were talking about??

Stay tuned. ❤️


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