32. Small Moments!!

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Shriya's bedroom door... They both wake up and sit on the bed... Shriya was going to open the door when Sharad went near her and held her hand while gesturing her no…

He quickly seizes his duvet from the couch and lays it on the bed... Shriya smiles looking at him and opens the door...

Asha: "Sorry to wake you up both... 'Bappa will be arriving today... So I woke you up so you both get freshened up and get ready for puja"...

Shriya smiles and lets her in... Asha hands over the plate which has a saree and some jewellery and flowers in it...

Asha: "This time you have to accept it... As it's our tradition in our families... It's our ancestral jewellery... It's heavy... And there are some light pieces also... You can wear whatever you like... After freshening up, call me... I will help you to drape the saree"...

Shriya nods and accepts the plate... Asha leaves from there... Sharad tells her to freshen up and get ready here... And he will get ready in Varad's room...

Sharad looks at Shriya's saree colour and then grabs the same colour kurta from the wardrobe...

Shriya: "Somebody wants to colour coordinate with me"...

Sharad: "Yes... I love to colour-coordinate with my wife who is mad at me... Maybe this notion of colour-coordinating will benefit"...

Shriya: "Ohh... Sorry to burst your bubble... This won't help"...

Sharad frowns and stares at her... Shriya goes near him, holds his hand and pushes him outdoors... Sharad chuckles and leaves from there while taking his clothes...


Asha helps Shriya in draping the saree and tells Shriya to get ready... Asha leaves for her room...

Sharad on the other side after getting ready goes towards the living room... He sits there reading the newspaper... Harish and Varad also join him...  Asha also comes down after getting ready... She tells Sharad to go and see whether Shriya is ready...


Sharad reaches his room and gets awestruck looking at Shriya... Shriya feels someone's gaze on her and she turns behind... She sees Sharad looking at her with his jaws wide open... Shriya smirks and goes and stands opposite him... She waves her hand in front of him...

Shriya: "Oyee Mr... Where are you lost?"

Sharad: "I... No... Nowhere... Mom was calling you"...

Shriya: "Okay... I am ready and was going to come down only let's go"...

Sharad looks at the dressing table and notices something... Shriya was going to go when Sharad held her hand...

Sharad: "You are not ready... Something is remaining... Come with me"...

Sharad takes Shriya near the dressing table... She glances at herself in the mirror...
Sharad picks 'gajra' from the plate...

Sharad: "These flowers which will adorn your hair are here only... May I pin it on your hair?"

Shriya nods and Sharad stands behind her... His finger brushes her neck and Shriya gets goosebumps all over... Sharad takes the pin from the table and then makes a round of gajra and pins it in her hair bun... They both peek at each other through the mirror... He makes her turn and pecks her forehead lovingly...

Their moment is disturbed by the knocking sound... Asha stands there at the door while looking at the couple adoringly... Sharad moves back and Asha comes towards them....

Asha: "You both look perfect...  Now, let's go... Sharad... You go downstairs and then accompany  Harish and Varad to bring 'Bappa'...

Sharad nods and leaves from there...  Shriya leaves with Asha downstairs... Shriya and Asha together make the 'aarti' plate ready...

After half an hour, Sharad stands behind the doorstep while holding 'Bappa'... Harish and Varad are standing on either side of Sharad... Asha and Shriya come towards them...

Shriya performs some ceremonies as told by the priest... And then Sharad brings 'Bappa' inside.... Sharad makes 'Bappa' sit on the pandal seat which they decorated...

The priest then starts 'Puja'... Sharad and Shriya as a couple sit for the puja... Behind them, Harish and Asha sit while smiling looking at the children... And next to them, Varad sits...

Sharad and Shriya then do the aarti together and take blessings followed by Harish and Asha... And then Varad who is thinking that next year, he will perform puja with his love...

The priest tells them that pairs who do 'Bappa' aarti together will always be together no matter what...  Sharad and Shriya look at each other...


After the puja, the priest left... All of them sit in the living hall... Asha tells Shriya to relax for some time as she will check the lunch arrangements... Harish and Sharad are busy discussing something...

Varad receives a call and he smiles looking at the caller ID... He picks up the call and speaks... After disconnecting the call, Varad goes towards Shriya and whispers something in her ears... She also smiles listening to them... Shriya tells him to go and bring her inside.

Sharad was already peeking at his wife when she smiled while talking to Varad... Shriya sees him and smiles and gestures to him to come with her...

Shriya leaves for her room upstairs and then Sharad makes some excuses to Harish and also goes towards his room...


Varad goes outside of the house and sees his love nervously waiting near the gate... She sees him and smiles... Varad runs towards her and engulfs her in a bone-crushing hug... She is stunned at first but soon reciprocates his hug... They break the hug after a few minutes and he holds her hand...

Varad: "Don't be nervous, love... I had already informed Shriya di about us... She must have told Bhai about us... So don't worry, they are with us and I am also with you... Mom and Dad will approve, I know"...


Stay tuned❤️


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