39.Do You Like Me!!

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   Shriya feels the sudden movement and opens her eyes... Sharad is sleeping on her lap while holding her waist firmly... Shriya remembers yesterday how Sharad was having a nightmare and how he slept on her lap... She was stroking his hair and she didn't know when she also fell asleep...

She tries to get up without breaking his sleep... But his hold is firm on her waist... Sighing, she calls his name slowly and patting his shoulder...

Sharad opens his eyes and sees their position... He removes his hands and mumbles sorry... Shriya just smiles and tells him to sleep more as she will freshen up first... Sharad nods at her again and lays down on the bed...


Shriya tries to tie the strings which are attached to the back of her dress...  Deciding to call Asha for help, she comes out from the washroom...

Seeing Sharad sleeping, she quickly tip-toed outside... She spots her phone on the dressing chair and dials Asha's number...

"The number you are calling is not answering your call. Please try again later"... This voice can be heard from another side... Frowning Shriya disconnects the call...

Sharad opens his eyes and sees Shriya standing in front of the mirror... He wakes up and sits on the bed... "Morning Shriya"... Hearing this Shriya quickly turns so that her back is facing the mirror...

She wishes him morning and then again tries fastening the strings... Sharad sees her and understands what she is doing... He calls her name and asks if he can help in tying the string...

Shriya after a short pause says yes... Sharad stands in front of her and makes her turn... When his fingers brush her back while tying the string, Shriya feels goosebumps all over her body...

She shivers and Sharad noticing it smiles at learning that his touch affects her...  He then makes her face him...

Sharad: "Shriya... Can I drop you off today in the hospital?"

Shriya nods her head in yes and tells him to get ready fast... Sharad chuckles and leaves from there to freshen up...


In the meantime, Shriya while she was going downstairs sees Varad's room door is open... Varad is busy doing something on his laptop...

Shriya knocks on the door and Varad on seeing her keeps his laptop aside and tells Shriya to come in... Shriya asks him if he is angry with her and Sharad as they are not attending today's function...

Varad says that he is not angry but a little bit upset as he wants his family to be at his side on every occasion...  Shriya tells Varad that she and Sharad also wanted to be a part of functions but circumstances are not right... Varad agrees and tells her that he wants them present in all the functions ahead and tells Shriya to promise... Shriya smiles and promises...


After having breakfast together, Sharad and Shriya leave together... Both wanted to be present but they know that's not the right thing to do now...

Sharad drives his car and Shriya gazes outside the window... Sharad plays the songs... Shriya's gaze is still focused outside the window... Sharad sees her disturbed by something so he tries distracting her mind by breaking the ice between them...

Sharad: "Shriya... You know... This is my favourite song... You know I imagined myself dancing to this song with my wife"... 

Shriya: "Oh... Ya... This song is nice... Sharad... I want a promise from you"...

Sharad asks her what promise she wants... Shriya tells him to let go of the past and to attend other functions of Varad's marriage for his happiness... Sharad smiles and agrees and makes the promise...

Sharad: "You are a gem of a person... The way you care for my family's happiness is what makes you close to me... Every time I get mesmerised by your caring side"...

Shriya: "It's not only your family... But mine also... You get mesmerised by me... that's new... I thought you were irritated by me"...

Sharad: "Yes, it's our family... Never... I will never get irritated by you... I like your every action... I like our fights... You irritating me purposely..... Your care... Everything about you"...

Shriya: "You like me?"

Sharad: "It's not only like... It's that feeling... I think I am falling for you slowly... And if it was in my hands then I would have never let you go... Ever...  I will keep you forever with me... I like being with you and I enjoy your company much"...

Shriya doesn't say anything but turns her gaze again towards outside and her lips curve into a slight smile... Sharad thinks that she didn't like him saying all that...

Sharad: "I am sorry Shriya... It's just my feelings... I am not forcing you for anything... Not even for this relationship... I want a chance only if that's what you want... I will respect your decision whatever it is"...

Shriya looks at him and nods her head in yes... Sharad then drops her near the hospital...

Sharad: "I will pick you up in the evening... Call me once your work is over"...

Shriya says yes and goes inside the hospital... Sharad also drives back to his office...

.................. At Home......

Asha and Harish welcome Shree and her husband Rakesh along with Smrithi... Varad also comes down and smiles at Smrithi...

Shree glances at the house and gets happy about not seeing Sharad... For formality, she asks Asha about her elder son... Varad says that his brother had an important meeting and his sister-in-law had to go to the hospital to perform surgery...

The priest arrives and the drinks and snacks are served to the guests... The priest takes their birth chart and starts calculating the date...

The priest informs them that for marriage there are 2 auspicious dates... One is after 15 days and another one after 3 months...

They all discuss and agree on the early date i.e. after 15 days... Both the families congratulate each other and exchange sweets and all...

They all discuss doing the ring exchange ceremony after 3 days and the other ceremonies like 'mehndi' and 'haldi' respectively in their own homes...


Destiny:  😍😍 how was the chapter??  There are many twists and turns...

I updated late...😅... Had went to the lab to do tests yesterday and then attended an interview and got selected😊

Stay tuned❤️.


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