31. Gift!!

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  Shriya keeps the tray on the table placed on the terrace and waits for Sharad to come from the restroom... She hears a door knob sound and she turns behind to look at Sharad…. Looking at him, She quickly turns...

Shriya: "Sharad... Where's your shirt? Wear it quickly"…

Sharad: "Why are you disturbed seeing me like this?"

Shriya: "Just shut up and wear your shirt quickly".

Sharad: "Relax lioness... Just a minute"...

Sharad wears his t-shirt and goes towards the balcony... He stands beside Shriya holding the railing...

Shriya: "See... Tea got cold because of you... Now, have this only"...

Sharad smiles and drinks tea, gulping it quickly... Shriya smirks looking at him...  Keeping the cup back on the tray he asks her about what she wants to tell... Shriya tells him about Varad...

Sharad: "About Varad... What about him? Where is he? He is fine na?"

Shriya smiles looking at him concerned for his brother... Sharad looks at her astonished, wondering why she is smiling...

Shriya: "He is fine... I mean I am talking about his marriage"...

Sharad: "What's there in that? Mom will soon compel him to meet girls... And then he will get married... What's there in it? Wait... What? Is he in love with someone?"

Shriya smiles and nods her head... Sharad also reciprocates her smile...

Sharad: "Who is she then? And how did you come to know about them?"

Shriya: "Varad only told me... And about her... I don't know anything about her"...

Sharad: "Oh... Ok... Then what's the problem then? He just has to introduce her to our family and then get married with the consent of both families"...

Shriya: "He is afraid that what if both parents don't agree... I told him to bring her on 'Ganesh Chaturthi'... He agreed as I told him that we both are there for him... Now, you Mr Sharad Goenka…  You have to talk to Mom and Dad and make them agree"...

Sharad: "Hmm... Mrs. Sharad Goenka… What if I don't agree to talk? What will I get in return?"

Shriya: "You will have to agree otherwise I will not forgive you"...

Sharad: "If I agree then will you forgive me?"

Shriya nods her head in yes...

Sharad: "But I don't want your forgiveness like this... I will make you forgive me for my efforts... On helping Varad... He is my brother and I will always support him"...

Shriya: "OK then... About your forgiveness, I will decide after the first day of puja which we will be doing together"...

Saying this Shriya leaves there smirking thinking of an idea to annoy Sharad...

She goes downstairs and sees Asha watching TV... She straightaway goes to the kitchen and starts cooking dinner... Chapati, vegetable curry, dal, rice and carrot halwa for dessert... Everything is ready...

She calls everyone and then they all sit to have dinner except Shriya... Asha tells her to sit and they all will serve themselves... Shriya nods and sits near Sharad... Harish and Varad praise the food simultaneously... Shriya chuckles upon hearing them...

Asha tells her that everything is tasty and perfect... She smiles and nods... Shriya looks at Sharad from the corner of her eyes... Sharad's gaze is focused only on food... Shriya frowns at Sharad but he doesn't say anything…

After dinner, all sit in the living hall... Discussing about their day and all... Shriya excuses herself saying that she is feeling sleepy and she leaves from there towards her room upstairs...

Asha and Harish look at Sharad... Varad also joins them and asks Sharad why he didn't compliment Shriya Di. Sharad says he forgot... Asha and Harish get angry with him and give him peace of mind...

Sharad is amazed to see their family caring for Shriya... He smiles and tells them that he will go and compliment her now...


Sharad reaches his room and sees Shriya sitting on the bed engrossed in the book... Shriya sees him standing at the door... But she ignores him again and gets engrossed in her books...

Sharad goes towards the bed and sits on the left side of the bed... He calls her name and she ignores it as if he is not here...

Sharad: "Oh... I see someone is ignoring me...   Because I forgot to complement the food prepared by my wife... Let me do that now...
The food was very tasty... That I was so engrossed in ravishing it... That I forgot to compliment the food"...

Shriya's lips curve into a small smile... Sharad looks at her, takes the book from her hand and keeps it on the bedside table... He takes her hand and Shriya rolls her eyes and looks at him...

Sharad: "I am sorry Shriya... I didn't compliment... But I have bought a gift for you... Wait... I will bring it"...

Shriya: "Sharad... I don't want any gifts... I felt like cooking, that's why I did it"...

Sharad takes the small box from the wardrobe and again sits on the bed and forwards his hand with the box in it.

Sharad: "Here, Shriya... Your gift... Please take it... I brought this gift after lots of effort searching for a simple gift... I know you don't like big things and all... That's why it's so simple... Please open it and see... If you don't like it then I will take it back"...

Shriya opens the box and gets stunned seeing the gift... It's a small bracelet with emeralds and jade stones...

Sharad: "Did you like it?"

Shriya nods her head yes and removes the bracelet from the box... Holding the bracelet in her hands she looks at it. 

Sharad: "May I make you wear it?"

Shriya looks at him for a second and then forwards the bracelet to him... Sharad takes the bracelet, holds Shriya's hand and makes her wear the bracelet... Shriya looks at him and smiles to herself...


Readers, do you want some romance between them? 🤪🤪

Stay tuned❤️.


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