45.Flour Date!!

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After an hour's drive, they reach Shriya's apartment and take the elevator to the 10th floor...

Unlocking the door, Shriya was going to go inside when Sharad stopped her by grabbing her hand...

Sharad: "I am coming to your apartment for the first time... Won't you welcome me? Like Mom welcomed you when you first entered our house"...

Shriya: "Na... I will not welcome you like that... I am unique so my welcoming is also unique"... 

Shriya stands in front of Sharad and joins her hand in front of him...

Shriya: "Greetings Mr. Sharad Goenka... Welcome to Shriya's abode... Please come inside and enjoy yourselves.... I hope you have a nice stay here Sir"...

Sharad chuckles hearing her... Shriya also smiles looking at him who is laughing freely without any worries...

Sharad: "It was the worst welcome I have received"...

Shriya: "Ok then... I am going... You call someone to welcome you nicely... I will cook for myself… and for you... You see yours...  Bye"...

Shriya was going to go inside when Sharad held her hand from behind and Shriya turned and saw him holding his ear from his one hand...

Sharad: "I am sorry na angel... That was the best welcome... You know why... Because my angel welcomed me... Now, please leave your anger and smile... A big one for me... And let's enter the home together"...

Shriya smiles and approves... They both set their right foot together in the entrance of the house and enter while intertwining their hands...

Shriya switches on the lights and Sharad gets mesmerised looking at the house.... "How is my house"... Shriya's voice broke Sharad's trance... He whispers nice and makes him comfortable on the couch...

Shriya goes towards the kitchen and brings a water bottle for them... She hands over one bottle to Sharad and he thanks her...  Shriya gives Sharad her home's tour and then she tells Sharad to freshen up in the room...


Shriya looks for Sharad in the living room and on not finding him there, she moves towards the kitchen and sees him engrossed in cutting the veggies...

Shriya goes and stands beside him and tells him that she will cut the veggies...

After cutting the veggies, Shriya asks him what more help he needs... Sharad tells her to sit and he will manage and will ask if needed help..

Shriya nods and climbs and sits at the kitchen counter... She unlocks the top cabinet and removes wafers from it and starts munching it... She asks Sharad if he wants...Sharad nods and Shriya feeds him as his hands are covered with flour...

Sharad smirkingly smears flour on Shriya's face and she starts coughing... Sharad panics and starts rubbing her back when Shriya turns and pours flour all over his head...

Both their laughter gets echoed in the house as they both chase each other while playing with the flour... Their silly banter continues as they end up fully covered with the flour looking like jokers...

Sharad: "Dinner is almost going to be ready... We both are looking no less than a joker... So, you freshen up first ... Till then I will garnish the dishes"...

Shriya chuckles and moves towards her room... Sharad also gets everything prepared and then goes to freshen up...

Shriya comes towards the kitchen after freshening up and sees that everything is ready and kept on the dining table... She gets an idea and on not finding Sharad she decides to do that...


Sharad comes towards the dining hall and gets stunned seeing the table lit with candles... And all the culinary objects were kept decoratively...

On realising that Shriya did this... His lips curve into a full smile... On hearing the click sound, he sees Shriya leaning at the door... Shriya shows him the pic she clicked when he was smiling...

Sharad smiles and embraces her while pecking her forehead... Shriya tells him that they should have dinner as she is famished...

Sharad nods and breaks the hug... He clasps Shriya's hand and makes her sit on the chair...

Shriya smiles and they both serve themselves and start their dinner while enjoying the delicacies...

Shriya: "Sharad... You are such an amazing cook and your hands have magic... You know you should cook everyday for us... We all would love to eat"...

Sharad: "That I know... Okay... I will cook frequently whenever I feel like... Now, what about our movie date?"

Shriya: "Movie... It will be me who will select the movie... You should only watch... If you agree then it's good or else the movie date will be cancelled"...

Sharad agrees and they move towards the bedroom where Shriya connects her phone to the projector... 

Sharad and Shriya sit beside each other... Shriya is totally engrossed in the movie and Sharad alternates his gaze between watching the movie and gazing at Shriya...

The movie ends at midnight and Shriya sees Sharad already fast asleep... She chuckles and switches off the projector...  Covering Sharad with a duvet and switching off the table lamp... She also sleeps beside Sharad.


Sharad's sleep gets disturbed by hearing Shriya's voice... He gets up and sees Shriya murmuring and shivering...

Sharad: "Angel... Relax... See, I am with you... Sleep"..

Hearing Sharad's voice, Shriya feels relaxed and she snuggles closer to Sharad while laying on his chest... Sharad smiles and pecks her head... 


I don't know how the chapter turned out to be... I wrote some scenes and then deleted... Repeated it many times and finally selected this... Do review☺️.

Stay tuned❤️.


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